25 - 27 June, 2019
HYATT REGENCY, DAR ES SALAAM, THE KILIMANJARO, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
HYATT REGENCY, DAR ES SALAAM, THE KILIMANJARO, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
Conference Day One: Tuesday, 25 June 2019
8:00 am - 8:30 am Registration, refreshments and networking
8:30 am - 8:50 am Speed networking session
8:50 am - 8:55 am Welcome address from IQPC
8:55 am - 9:00 am Welcome address by the Chairman:
9:00 am - 9:30 am VIP MINISTERIAL PANEL DISCUSSION: A strategic outlook into the economic value of developing multi-modal transportation hubs in Africa
Eng. Machibya Masanja Head of Standard Gauge Railway Project Tanzania
H.E. Dagmawit Moges Deputy Mayor Addis Ababa and Honourable Minister of Transport Ministry of Transport Ethiopia
H.E. Alexander Chiteme Honourable Minister of Development & Planning National Assembly of Zambia
Eng. Machibya Masanja Head of Standard Gauge Railway Project Tanzania
H.E. Dagmawit Moges Deputy Mayor Addis Ababa and Honourable Minister of Transport Ministry of Transport Ethiopia
H.E. Alexander Chiteme Honourable Minister of Development & Planning National Assembly of Zambia
How can this help Africa to achieve a substantial GDP growth of 5% by 2020?
This session will explore:
- Africa transport value chain requires external capital seeds, technological implementations and an effective project management system
- Emphasise opportunities that market opens to contractors, sub-contractors and future investors.
- 90% of the imports/exports are driven by sea. How can these projects impact Africa economy and the overall GDP?
H.E. Dagmawit Moges
Deputy Mayor Addis Ababa and Honourable Minister of TransportMinistry of Transport Ethiopia
H.E. Alexander Chiteme
Honourable Minister of Development & PlanningNational Assembly of Zambia
9:30 am - 10:00 am Connecting Dar Es Salaam port with land-locked Rwanda The Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project: Discussing the US$2.5 billion investment across a 400km railway network to link landlocked Rwanda with Dar es Salaam port
How would this benefit the total growth of the East African countries GDP?
- The importance of facilitating trades between sea and landlocked countries to accelerate transportation of goods up to 32%
- Reducing transportation times and good availability by integrating a centralised management system
- Can it become the benchmarck for future projects?
10:00 am - 10:30 am “Port Expansion by Deepening Quays” | Franki – A Keller Company
Keller and Franki Africa are associated to major infrastructure projects in port expansion, new construction, coastal infrastructure and other marine works.
How to accommodate bigger vessels?
- New techniques to accommodate bigger vessels by expanding draughts
- Deepening existing quays while minimized impact on port exploitation
- Presenting real case study and achievements
Bertrand Stoehr, Key Account and Major Projects Senior Manager, Keller EMEA
10:30 am - 11:00 am Morning break, ribbon cutting ceremony and site tour
11:00 am - 11:30 am Speed networking
Multibillion-dollar East Africa Ports expansion: Partnership & contractors opportunities
Mega port expansion schemes in East Africa are leveraging automation, as well as significant
enhancement of transportation system, inland and across national borders.
11:30 am - 12:00 pm TANZANIA: Two main ports expansion and relative railway implementations accounting for more than US$10 billion
What does this mean for the economy of Africa?
- Bagamoyo Port to become one of the most valuable maritime assets of the East Africa
- Ensuring transport value chain efficiency by accelerating the rate of information exchange across stakeholders through data management systems
- Dar es Salaam Port racing to become the gateway to global trade by reaching cargo capacity to 28 million tonnes
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Best Practice reference to privatisation partnership for port expansion and development
- Deciding on the right form of partnership
- Necessary steps before starting the tender process
- Core elements of concession agreements
- Staffing and running an efficient tender process
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Insights into Somaliland new port expansion project and the geopolitical new reality
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Discussing Egypt's 2030 transportation plan and future vision for the country
By 2030 the purchasing power parity of Egypt is expected to grow up to US$ 2.049 trillion
What is the impact of the transportation sector in this?
- The importance of developing and increasing the capability of the transportation sector
- The impact of the New Silk Road Project for Egypt 2030 vision
- The need for integrating new technologies and experienced human capital
- Multi-modal approach, how will this affect the country economy in the next 5 years?
Rear Admiral Reda Ahmed Ismaeil
Head of the Maritime Transport SectorMaritime Transport Sector Egypt
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Lunch break and networking opportunity
The Horn of Africa
From business opportunities to new political alliances - Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia
and Djibouti ports expansion plans are shaping the East Africa Coast future.
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Outlining the current ports expansion programs in the Horn of Africa
How does the future look like for the Horn of Africa?
- Joint ventures, foreign investments and new alliances to secure projects completion
- Cross-sector expansions: From ports to infrastructures, multi-billion dollar opportunities for contractors, dredging companies, terminal constructors, digital solution providers etc.
- The role of Ethiopia and the new market dynamics.
H.E. Dagmawit Moges
Deputy Mayor Addis Ababa and Honourable Minister of TransportMinistry of Transport Ethiopia
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Ethiopia – Djibouti case study: US$14bn worth projects on pipelines, port and terminal facilities, roads and railways are under construction, underwritten by several vast public and foreign investment schemes.
How will this increase the GPD of the two countries?
- The Djibouti corridor and its ports’ expansion plans: a multi-model strategy that aims to boost economy, employment rate at +3.5% and country’s growth
- A US$3.4 billion project aiming to develop also a manufacturing export zones
- Development of oil and gas projects in the Ogaden regions to increase Djibouti’s ports trade potential and boost regional growth
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm INTERACTIVE PANEL DISCUSSION: Key stakeholders addressing future visions, projects and commercial partnerships.
What can be done in future to secure a GDP growth rate of 5% annually?
In this session Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia ministries, along with UAE and Chinese ports’ officers will discuss on:
- Does East Africa have the sufficient seed capital to sustain projects implementation?
- Implementing automation in the entire transport value chain to boost trade value up to 60%
- Adopting a security system to reduce cargo and container’s theft down to 5%
- From oil and gas pipelines to refineries, railways project and infrastructure development: Effective project management to achieve strategic economic objective
H.E. Dagmawit Moges
Deputy Mayor Addis Ababa and Honourable Minister of TransportMinistry of Transport Ethiopia
Leveraging Port Assets and improving Terminal Operations
Boosting operational efficiency can reduce processing time for ports from
72 to 6 hours - resulting in cost reduction and time savings.
Round tables session: Interactive Group Discussions
Group discussions will provide a structured way for you to discuss the most pressing issues the market is facing and will give you an opportunity to hear one-on-one on the initiatives each of your peers have put in place in their companies and take away best practices from other industry experts. These will involved five table-turns, followed by a summary of findings by the discussion leaders.