Agenda - Pre Event

Very few employees will go out of their way to act purely on criminal intent or greed. Many wrongdoings among large companies often spring out of a corporate culture of pressure to deliver and fear of failure. Many enterprises are rolling out training to educate their employees on the legal rights and wrongs, but is it really enough to safeguard the organisation and yourself?


How good are you at identifying the red flags? Where would you really find yourself on the scales of courage vs fear and leadership vs followship when top management is piling on the pressure to make their vision a reality? Where are your organisational blind spots?


These are some of the questions you will be addressing through an exciting exclusive partnership of the Corporate Counsel & Compliance Exchange with the creators and producers of “The Testing Point”. “The Testing Point” is a movie and entertaining drama, not on general release. It has been designed for use in organisations to help individuals overcome the barriers that hold people back from voicing concerns at critical moments and in high pressure environments.


Hosted in four parts throughout the event, you are invited to tune into the story of the fictitious Ninebanks PLC and their subdivision Leadgate, at a time where their troubles are accumulating… poor results, a dramatic resignation, questionable accounting, claims of bullying and harassment, and a potentially serious environmental issue. Each screening will be followed by a mini workshop.


With the help of supporting materials, dive into this scenario and be prepared to challenge your own thinking. 


Brian Jones

Co-Founder and Chairman
Atlantic Cedar


Michael Herlihy

Co-Writer and Co-Producer
The Testing Point

7:30 pm - 8:00 pm Pre-event Welcome Drinks and Pub Quiz