Hear from past sponsors on the Exchange format, key takeaways, networking opportunities and more…
“In terms of these types of events, yours was by far the best!”
"Very professionally organised. Good breath of participants. Nice way of "forced networking" which didn't feel like it was forced.”
“Great format - an invaluable opportunity to have dedicated one-on-one time with high quality global counsel.”
“An interesting group of lawyers and service providers, plenty of time actually set aside in the agenda to talk to the people you want to talk to, and interesting speakers who generally had something to say.”
"It was a high quality marketing opportunity.”
“Great opportunity to network, and discuss real issues with colleagues in other industries.”
“Fantastic and valuable event, great quality of senior speakers and attendees. I really enjoyed the quality of the practical discussions on the roundtables and focus groups. I will definitely try to attend it again next year.”
“Better than it's peers: debate and discussion that is actually helpful rather than just interesting”
“A useful and unique mix of information, opinions and service offerings.”
“Focused and intimate.”
“A great opportunity to meet GCs from other industries and discuss current topical legal issues in an informal environment.”
“Well organised, with a diverse pool of delegates”
“A very useful and thought inspiring event. Hot topics and great mix of interesting people as speakers/on the panels.”
- “Very well organised conference with fabulous speakers. It was great to share views and best practices with peers and to hear about the latest products and services from providers.”
“Very informative and well attended by high quality delegates.”
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