Wayne Spillett

General Counsel VOIS

Agenda Day 2

2:25 PM Why you are Still not Getting Proactively Involved in Business Strategy - An Introspective Session to Locate the Disconnect Between You and the Business

Legal and compliance leaders struggle to be seen as a centre for organisational growth and innovation. However, you know that without your advice the organisation will struggle to do such, at least not within local and worldwide regulatory framework. The divide often surfaces when highlighting how your governance policies not only keep the company out of court but, with legal foresight, can also highlight innovative areas for growth and development for the whole organisation.

  • Self-reflect on why you believe you’re not invited to business strategy meetings and collectively overcome the challenge of being seen as external to these discussions
  • Collaboratively explore where the gap between legal and compliance and the business strategies commonly lie to be able to fill the disconnect
  • Discuss how you as legal and compliance leaders can better convey the importance of your strategies to the board to highlight the necessity of its implementation 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Wayne.

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