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Legal Tech Report 2025 | IQPC Legal Exchange

Being an in-house lawyer is a hard job. However, using the right technology can go a long way in making it easier.

With advancements in generative AI, machine learning, blockchain and cloud-based platforms (to name but a few examples) progressing at lightning speed, the opportunities for in-house lawyers to leverage technology in their daily roles are vast. Unsurprisingly, adoption of legal technology by in-house lawyers is growing, and more and more technology vendors are branching out into the legal space. The Legal Tech Report 2025 by IQPC Legal Exchange and AgileIntel provides an in-depth analysis of the current legal technology landscape. Download the report for insight into:

  • Different legal technology solutions and vendors
  • How in-house lawyers are leveraging technology to help with their day-to-day challenges
  • Legal technology market size in different jurisdictions around the world

Corporate Counsel and Compliance Exchange USA | Post Event Report

Download the 2024 post event report for exclusive insights on industry investment priorities, audience breakdown, key themes discussed at the event, and much more!

The Future of AI Governance: A Comparison of Global Approaches and Implications for In-House Legal Teams

In this article, BBVA Global Wealth Advisor's Deputy Chief Compliance Officer, Giovanni Corrado, sheds light on the future of AI governance, its potential impact on in-house legal and compliance teams, and how to prepare for regulatory changes.

Preparing for Tomorrow Today: Navigating The Tangled Web Of Data Privacy

Digital technology comes with great gains for individuals and businesses. However, in the United States, conflicting laws regulating data privacy at state levels can create crippling challenges for corporations.

Charting a Course for Collaboration: Navigating Conflicts Between Compliance and the C-Suite

Amidst current worldwide economic volatility, the relationship between legal and other functions is under increased strain. We interviewed Jason King, Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer for The University of Texas System, on how to navigate these potential conflicts with the C-Suite. 

The Good, the Bad, and the Legal: The Pros and Cons of Generative AI for Corporate Counsel

With the onset of generative AI platforms such as Chat-GPT, questions are rising over the consequences of using AI for in-house lawyers and compliance teams. This article explores both sides, and discusses the huge potential of generative AI for lawyers, but also why they should use it with caution.

Top 15 Investment Priorities For Corporate Counsel and Compliance Leaders

There are many concerns keeping every General and In-House Counsel up at night; crisis management, ESG strategies, the evolving role of a GC, cultural changes, and balancing associated risks of digitalization and cyber security are complicated and constantly developing. Therefore, investing in the right areas is essential to meet these concerns. This infographic will give an insight into the Corporate Counsel and Compliance Leaders attending Corporate Counsel & Compliance Exchange USA, including their investment priorities and common challenges.

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Corporate Counsel & Compliance USA - Snapshot of Attendees 2024

Discover a snapshot of the attendees at the Corporate Counsel and Compliance USA Exchange, showcasing diverse verticals, seniorities, budgets, and focuses. Unveil the most requested solutions and buying profiles driving corporate legal and compliance innovation.