Novus Law lawyers, working as co-counsel or non-testifying experts, are specialists who find the story of “what happened” in all types and sizes of disputes and investigations. Our unique approach provides our clients with the earlier insight, better information, and lower costs they need to achieve measurably better results.
Earlier Insight. Our lawyers uncover the story of “what happened” in matters 3 to 5 times sooner than is typical in the legal profession. With this early insight, our clients make better decisions faster, resolve more matters sooner, and often minimize their indemnity costs.
Better Information. Our lawyers provide a more thorough, accurate, and easier-to-use work product that gives our clients the insight and in-depth understanding they need to make better strategic decisions about their matters. This also mitigates the risk of surprises that can often derail a matter in the eleventh hour.
Lower Costs. Our lawyers reduce legal costs by $3 to $4 in open-ended hourly fees for each $1 we receive in fixed fees, which makes our fees 75% less expensive than are typical in the legal profession. So, not only do we pay for ourselves, we also increase profitability and cash flow for our clients – all at no net cost when accounting for the savings we provide Our firm is an Association of Corporate Counsel Value Champion and has received two global innovation awards from the College of Law Practice Management.