We request that you please do not attend the show if you:
- Are unwell with fever, cough, sore throat and or flu like symptoms.
- Have been unwell within the previous 72 hours.
- Have been in, or visited, an COVID-19 area of concern in the previous 14 days. To view areas of concern, please visit:
All attendees will be notified in advance if you are required to wear your own face mask as a condition of entry
Only pre-registered and ticketed attendees will be able to enter the expo halls and conferences. This ensures that everyone can easily be traced and tracked. As part of the registration process, everyone provides full contact information (including email, mobile and phone) making it very efficient to message and contact people if need be.All attendees will be required to download the COVIDSafe Check-in app and will be required to scan into all areas of entry to the event.
Download the COVIDSafe App here: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app
- Placing hand sanitisers with supporting signage
- Placing guidance on handwashing in bathrooms
- Placing tissues and bins for their hygienic disposal with supporting signage on coughing etiquette• Thorough and regular cleaning of surfaces, including bathrooms, benches, ATMs and all touchpoints such as door handles, escalator rails, etc.
Crowd density in all areas will be measured and controlled. A safe distance of 1.5 metres between individuals will be enforced at all times.
Conference capacities, seating and appropriate spacing will be set up in accordance with the current regulations.
We ask that all visitors follow the directional markings when waiting to enter the expos. We will avoid congestion at all entry points and keep people actively moving.
These requirements may change over time. At present, we are planning for a cashless event - only card payments will be permitted at catering outlets.
All consumption of food and beverages must take place seated. This includes the consumption of alcohol, which must be consumed within the designated networking areas.
For those patrons who have Food and Beverage included in their ticket, break times will be allocated to different customer groups to avoid queuing and crowds at food and beverage points.
COVID Safe Marshals will be on duty to supervise
We appreciate your patience and understanding in supporting your safe arrival into the event and ask that you anticipate a little extra time for these extra safety measures.
All attendees are encouraged to check this site for updates, as we will revise this information regularly.
If you have any questions or would like more information on our COVID-Safe delivery plan please reach out to our team on enquire@iqpc.com.au and we will be able to assist you accordingly.
For any other enquiries, please contact the MCEC Administration Office on +61 3 9235 8000General enquiries: enquiries@mcec.com.au
We look forward to welcoming you all safely at The Customer Show!