Alistair has almost 20 years’ experience working in IT, including roles as CIO for MetService and Wellington Water, IT Manager for Plunket, CTO for Parliamentary Service and Technology Manager, Metering for Vector. Alistair moved to New Zealand in 2003 from the UK, after a varied career in teaching, merchant banking and IT – amongst others. He spent five years in Chad and Algeria as a boy, and has worked in France, Germany, Israel and Australia, as well as the UK and New Zealand. Alistair’s main areas of interest are in the innovative use of technology to drive new opportunities for service improvement and benefits realization into all organisations and their customers. He was an early champion for and adopter of Cloud Computing, and Smart Metering and the Internet of Things in New Zealand. Nowadays, the focus is on using Business Intelligence and Big Data, Agile/Lean practices, social and mobile integration to improve collaboration and create an environment for success. Alistair’s areas of responsibilities include developing, maintaining, and supporting ICT systems that support Tū Ora Compass Health strategic initiatives, and overseeing and managing of the ICT Services department.