Chris Malcolm

Head of Enterprise Data & Analytics CUA - Credit Union Australia Limited

Exchange Day One: Tuesday, 25 August 2020

10:50 AM PANEL: Accelerating Digital Transformation and Business Performance by Harnessing Data & Analytics Innovation

AI is not the only thing driving rapid change in data and analytics. From the next generation of augmented analytics tools to the use of continuous intelligence to interpret streams of data from IoT or the potential of conversational interfaces, there is rapid evolution in how and where analysis can be deployed. This session will explore the changing array of tools available to organisations and the relative business impacts of these developments.

Topics to be addressed will include:
  • Exploring the broad array of cutting edge developments in data and analytics tools and technologies
  • Navigating that choice in a data driven manner, ensuring tools fit organisational needs
  • Prioritising innovations that will drive the most relevant digital transformations for your organisation