8:00 am - 9:00 am Registration & Coffee

9:00 am - 9:30 am KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Managing The Complexity, Velocity & Scale Of A Global Developer Platform

Luis Mineiro - Senior Director, Developer Platform, Delivery Hero

Join this session to hear DeliveryHero’s journey to build a global developer platform from scratch, enabling self-service and developer independence.

  • Exploring the challenges of one global developer platform – language barriers, cultural nuances and time-zones
  • Enabling self-service for developers, with guardrails steered by automation
  • Accepting tooling complexity and diversity, and evaluating what is out there with regards to open-source standards
  • Measuring change management and developer satisfaction to demonstrate value of global developer platform

Luis Mineiro

Senior Director, Developer Platform
Delivery Hero

Focussed on the intricate relationship between personnel, processes, and technological platforms in creating an optimal Developer Experience (DX). This session will bring together industry leaders to dissect how you can build a culture of continuous improvement, essential for establishing the foundations for DX.

  • Emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and team collaboration in enhancing DX to build a skilled and adaptable developer workforce.
  • Implementing and refining Agile methodologies and DevOps pipelines, to optimise workflow, reduce bottlenecks, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Integrating complex development platforms and tools, including the adoption of cloud-native solutions, API-first development, and the implementation of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
  • Managing technical debt and legacy systems while fostering an environment of innovation
  • Achieving senior leadership buy-in through clear use cases with demonstrable ROI

Raza Aslam

Head of Product Management


Simon Remordina

Developer Experience Lead


Luis Mineiro

Senior Director, Developer Platform
Delivery Hero

10:10 am - 10:40 am PRESENTATION: How AI Is Transforming The Developer Experience

Today GitHub Copilot is already significantly improving the coding writing experience f developers. Companies are using Large Language Models and providing Natural Language Interface to help developer find right information quickly that is aware of their company’s context. This session delves into the impact of AI on the developer experience. As AI integration becomes increasingly essential in software development, we explore its transformative role in shaping the future of coding practices and

developer toolsets.

  • Providing real-time coding assistance, error correction, and predictive coding suggestions, significantly reducing debugging time and enhancing code quality.
  • Automating testing processes, performance tuning, and resource optimisation leading to more robust and efficient applications.
  • Customising development environments to individual preferences and work styles, boosting productivity and creating a more intuitive coding experience.
  • Facilitating better collaboration among development teams and streamlines project management through predictive analytics and automated task assignments.
  • Offering personalized learning paths for developers for continuous learning and skill development

10:40 am - 11:10 am Morning Coffee Break

11:10 am - 11:40 am PRESENTATION: Powering Developer Experience In A Green, Sustainable Way

Samantha Betts - Developer Experience Engineer, OVO
Daniel Laird - Head of Developer Platforms, OVO

Samantha Betts

Developer Experience Engineer


Daniel Laird

Head of Developer Platforms

11:40 am - 12:10 pm SPONSORED SESSION: Building Scalable and Resilient CI/CD Pipelines To Optimise Developer Velocity

12:10 pm - 12:40 pm PRESENTATION: Embedding Developer Portals for Enhanced Productivity

Simon Remordina - Developer Experience Lead, NatWest

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, developer portals have emerged as pivotal tools for improving developer experiences. This session delves into

the strategic implementation and optimization of developer portals, focusing on their role in fostering efficient, engaging, and productive developer interactions.

  • Exploring how to tailor developer portals to meet the specific needs and preferences of your developer community to create intuitive and user-friendly portals that streamline developers’ workflow.
  • Discussing the importance of seamless integration with existing tools and systems, and ensuring easy accessibility to resources such as APIs, documentation, and support.
  • Leveraging developer portals to create vibrant communities, encourage collaboration, and facilitate peer-to-peer learning and problem-solving.
  • Implementing mechanisms for gathering developer feedback and using it to continuously refine and enhance the portal experience.
  • Utilising portal analytics to understand developer behaviour and needs, leading to continuous improvement of the portal.

Simon Remordina

Developer Experience Lead

12:40 pm - 1:40 pm Networking Lunch

Deep dive into effective strategies for equipping development teams with the latest skills in a rapidly evolving industry. This session brings together industry experts to explore comprehensive approaches for continuous learning and skill enhancement.

  • Assessing current skill levels and identifying essential skills for future projects and industry demands.
  • Exploring how personalised learning paths and mentorship programs can cater to diverse learning styles and career goals within the team.
  • Integrating emerging technologies into training programs, including AI, cloud computing, and blockchain, to keep the team ahead of the curve.
  • Creating a supportive learning environment that encourages experimentation, innovation, and peer-to-peer learning.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of upskilling initiatives, including measuring improvements in productivity, project success, and team engagement.

David Graca

Developer Experience Lead Expert


Hasith Kalpage

Director Platform Engineering & CISO - Outshift


Alistair Watkins

Lead Engineer, Future Tech Skills
Lloyds Bank


Richard Thake

Head of Platform Engineering & DevOps

2:20 pm - 2:50 pm SPONSORED SESSION: Providing Access To Ready-To-Code Environments With Native Data Security

In an era where speed and security are paramount, this session will explore new approaches for creating and managing development environments that are preconfigured,

secure, and ready for immediate use.

  • Streamlining environment setup and uncovering techniques for automating the provisioning of development environments
  • Emphasising containerisation and Infrastructure as Code to reduce setup times and human error.
  • Embedding data security measures natively into the development environment, including encryption, access controls, and compliance with industry standards like
  • GDPR and HIPAA.
  • Leveraging Cloud-Based Solutions to provide scalable, accessible, and secure coding environments
  • Providing developers with the flexibility to innovate and break things in protected, secure environments.

2:50 pm - 3:20 pm PRESENTATION: Measuring The Success Of Developer Experience

Niko Kivela - Head of DevOps, SOK

This session provides an exploration of frameworks for measuring Developer Experience, from DORA, SPACE, and DX itself.

  • Discussing key metrics such as deployment frequency and change failure rate
  • Exploring a multifaceted framework to measuring developer experience, encompassing aspects from satisfaction and performance to communication and efficiency.
  • Incorporating DX metrics into existing workflows, ensuring they align with organisational goals and provide actionable insights for continuous improvement.

Niko Kivela

Head of DevOps

3:20 pm - 3:50 pm Afternoon Coffee Break

3:50 pm - 4:20 pm PRESENTATION: Introducing a product-based approach into platform engineering

Stephane Di Cesare - Senior Platform Engineer, Platform Experience, DKB

This session explores how integrating product management practices can elevate the effectiveness and perceived value of platform engineering teams. It addresses

common challenges faced by engineering-focused teams and providing actionable, product-based strategies to bridge these gaps.

  • Clearly define the platform and its scope.
  • Measure the platform maturity, and use this information to report progress.
  • Foster a a product mindset in the platform to improve the focus on business value.
  • Improve how information is shared within the platform and with platform users.

Stephane Di Cesare

Senior Platform Engineer, Platform Experience

4:20 pm - 4:50 pm PRESENTATION: Officialising Developer Journeys: A Roadmap to Enhanced Communication, Productivity, and Compliance

Gijs van den Hoven - Head of Developer Experience, ABN Amro

Explore the critical aspects of structuring and officialising developer journeys, crafting clear paths for growth and development, balancing enhanced communication and

productivity, while ensuring adherence to regulatory standards.

  • Mapping out developer journeys and charting clear and comprehensive career pathways for developers, including key milestones and skill development stages.
  • Removing complicated workflows to build one true guided experience for developers
  • Constructing tailored developmental journeys, incorporating both technical proficiency and soft skills enhancement.
  • Formalizing ownership by stablishing clear roles and responsibilities, ensuring accountability across dev journey.
  • Leveraging structured developer journeys to foster better communication within teams, leading to clearer understanding of expectations and goals.
  • Addressing the challenge of embedding regulatory compliance into developer journeys

Gijs van den Hoven

Head of Developer Experience
ABN Amro

Developer Experience is still an emerging and evolving role. This panel aims to unravel the complexities of articulating the business value of DX investments to senior management.

  • Understanding the executive perspective into what drives executive decisions, including ROI, risk management, and long-term strategic benefits, to better align DX with priorities.
  • What methods are there for quantifying the impact of improved DX on productivity, innovation speed, and overall software quality, making the benefits tangible to executives.
  • Sharing real-world examples where DX initiatives have led to significant business improvements, highlighting strategies used to gain executive support.
  • Discussing the potential risks and costs associated with inadequate developer experience
  • Crafting a compelling narrative that combines qualitative and quantitative benefits of DX initiatives, to resonate with executive concerns and goals.

Fatima Mookhtiar

Lead Technical Product Portfolio Manager - Developer Experience & Operational Excellence
A.P. Moller - Maersk


Ugur Basak

Director of Engineering, Platform Engineering


Christian Rudolph

Head of DevOps


Lorisa Dubuc

Executive Director, User Experience
JPMorgan Chase & Co

5:30 pm - 5:40 pm End of Conference Day One

5:40 pm - 6:40 pm Drinks Reception