8:00 am - 9:00 am Registration & Coffee

9:00 am - 9:30 am KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Identifying Developer Frictions & Creating Action Plans To Minimise

Fatima Mookhtiar - Lead Technical Product Portfolio Manager - Developer Experience & Operational Excellence, A.P. Moller - Maersk

Address the critical challenges that impede developer productivity and satisfaction. How does DX serve as an alternative to effectively mitigate the frictions developers

face in their day-to-day work?

  • Recognizing Common Developer Frictions and pain points across the developer workflow, from inadequate tooling and poor documentation to organisational
  • bottlenecks and communication barriers.
  • Introducing methodologies for systematically identifying and categorising frictions, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of issues.
  • Formulating specific, actionable plans to address frictions, and ensuring smooth implementation, including new processes and tools, stakeholder buy-in, pilot testing,
  • and phased rollouts.

Fatima Mookhtiar

Lead Technical Product Portfolio Manager - Developer Experience & Operational Excellence
A.P. Moller - Maersk

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, the right tooling and software suites can make the difference between a smooth journey and a bumpy ride. This session delves into strategies for selecting tools that enhance the developer experience and streamline the development process. Attendees will gain insights into how tool selection impacts productivity, collaboration, and overall project success.

  • Evaluating the compatibility of available tools with existing development environments and their ability to integrate seamlessly.
  • Offering intuitive interfaces and user-centric features, reducing learning curves and enhancing developer satisfaction.
  • Identifying true key performance indicators to evaluate the efficiency and impact of tools on development cycles.
  • Considering community support available for tools, for long-term viability and troubleshooting assistance.
  • Exploring the adaptability of tools to safeguard against future development challenges.

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Productivity Business Lead, Western Europe


Martin Wheatley

Technical & Development Director
Envision Pharma Group


Felix Rothballer

Head of Platform Engineering & Operations

10:10 am - 10:40 am PRESENTATION: Unlocking Cloud Agility: Building Secure Cloud-Native Applications with Containerization

This presentation will guide attendees through the essentials of leveraging containerization and Kubernetes to develop applications that are not only efficient and secure but also easily adaptable across different cloud environments. This approach is crucial for organizations aiming to maximize their cloud investments while maintaining agility, scalability, and enhanced security.

  • Exploring core concepts of containerization, and its pivotal roles in developing secure cloud-native applications.
  • Designing containerized applications to ensure portability and consistency across various cloud platforms.
  • Evaluating and choosing the right set of tools for container orchestration, management, and deployment with a focus on Kubernetes ecosystems.
  • Enhancing the performance and resource utilization of containerized applications, while addressing comprehensive security considerations.
  • Implementing robust security practices within the Kubernetes and containerized environment to protect against evolving threats.

10:40 am - 11:10 am Morning Coffee Break

11:10 am - 11:40 am PRESENTATION: Building Adaptive Developer Portals To Accelerate Business Value and Platform Development

Join this session exploring how you can build bespoke developer portals in-house, aligned with your business objectives, and designed to enhance developer productivity.

  • Discussing the design of developer portals with a focus on rapid deployment capabilities, enabling quick turnaround times for platform development and business value realization.
  • Exploring Buy Vs Build for developer portals to find the right option for your business.
  • Demonstrating how versatile and re-usable components within the portal can significantly shorten development cycles, allowing developers to respond swiftly to market demands and opportunities.
  • Highlighting techniques for ensuring developer portals are not just developer-friendly, but also business-oriented, facilitating clearer understanding and collaboration
  • between developers and business stakeholders.
  • Emphasizing the use of analytics and feedback mechanisms in portals to track the business impact of development projects, guiding continuous improvement in
  • aligning development efforts with business value.

11:40 am - 12:10 pm PRESENTATION: Consolidating Teams & Harmonising Technology To Drive A Fully Autonomous Developer Experience

Christian Rudolph - Head of DevOps, TUI

In this session, we will delve into the imperative of consolidating diverse development teams and harmonising disparate technologies to pave the way for a fullyautonomous developer experience, creating synergies in a multi-faceted development environment, where efficiency and innovation are key.

  • Integration strategies for different development teams and technologies while maintaining team identity and technology effectiveness.
  • Identifying key automation tools that enable developers to focus on creative tasks by minimising manual and repetitive work.
  • Establishing effective communication channels and collaboration practices that align various teams under a unified vision and operational strategy.
  • Implementing continuous improvement processes that adapt to emerging technologies and market demands, ensuring the developer experience remains agile and forward-thinking.
  • Discussing metrics and KPIs essential for measuring the success of the consolidated teams and technologies, and strategies for ongoing optimisation.

Christian Rudolph

Head of DevOps

12:10 pm - 12:40 pm PRESENTATION: Implementing Self-Service & Self-Sufficient Dev Environments

Richard Thake - Head of Platform Engineering & DevOps, Confidential

Exploring the implementation of autonomous development environments that empower developers with more control and flexibility. We will delve into how these environments enhance productivity, reduce dependencies, and accelerate the development lifecycle.

  • Understanding self-service dev environments and exploring the benefits of self-service models in development workflows.
  • Evaluating tools and platforms that facilitate the creation of self-sufficient development environments, including containerization and cloud-based solutions.
  • Empowering & enabling developers to rapidly set up, manage, and replicate development environments.
  • Maintaining governance and security while providing developers with greater autonomy and control.

Richard Thake

Head of Platform Engineering & DevOps

12:40 pm - 1:40 pm Networking Lunch

The success of any development team hinges on the motivation and empowerment of its members. This panel discussion brings together industry experts to share insights

and strategies on creating an environment that fosters developer empowerment and motivation. Looking at effective leadership approaches, the impact of organizational

culture, and the role of tools and technologies in supporting a productive and satisfied development team.

  • Exploring how culture influences developer motivation and how to foster a positive, inclusive, and supportive work environment.
  • Leadership styles and strategies that encourage autonomy, innovation, and a sense of ownership among developers.
  • Finding the right tools that can enhance developer productivity and job satisfaction.
  • Recognising and rewarding developer achievements and their impact on team morale and motivation.
  • Focusing on continuous learning, skill development, and career advancement opportunities to keep developers engaged and motivated.

Niko Kivela

Head of DevOps


Shery Brauner

Director of Engineering (SRE)
Delivery Hero


Jacob Castello

Lead Site Reliability Engineer

2:20 pm - 2:50 pm PRESENTATION: Embracing Change For Transformational DX Leadership

Ugur Basak - Director of Engineering, Platform Engineering, TomTom

This session will explore innovative strategies for embracing change in DX, founded in psychology, to foster an environment that can thrive in the face of new challenges and

  • technologies.
  • Exploring change management principals and practices to influence, engage and inspire developers in your DX journey
  • Cultivating a responsive mindset within your developer teams, encouraging adaptability and continuous learning as core competencies.
  • Implementing agile methodologies applied to DX leadership to improve responsiveness and efficiency in software development change.
  • Enhancing collaboration and communication from executives, to engineering managers, to developers to achieve holistic buy-in for DX
  • Measuring the impact of changes in DX and how to iteratively adapt strategies based on feedback and results.

Ugur Basak

Director of Engineering, Platform Engineering

2:50 pm - 3:20 pm Afternoon Coffee Break

3:20 pm - 3:50 pm PRESENTATION: Easing Developer Burden During Rapid Infrastructure Changes: A Wolt Case Study

As companies like Wolt navigate exponential growth, they face the challenge of scaling their infrastructure without compromising the developer experience. With a significant increase in developers and microservices, and a relatively smaller growth in platform personnel, maintaining a smooth operation during infrastructure evolution is crucial. This session will explore strategies to manage major updates and migrations effectively, while keeping the developer experience seamless.

  • Automating processes to simplify infrastructure updates and migrations, thereby reducing the manual workload on developers.
  • Optimising clear and efficient communication between developers and operations teams to minimize disruptions during infrastructure changes.
  • Building and maintaining scalable infrastructure that can accommodate rapid growth and frequent updates without major overhauls.
  • Fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation among developers to stay ahead of evolving infrastructure needs.
  • Making infrastructure changes painless for developers while keeping the number of engineers relatively small

3:50 pm - 4:20 pm KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Understanding Your Developers To Deliver A Superior Developer Experience

Lorisa Dubuc - Executive Director, User Experience, JPMorgan Chase & Co

Understanding the needs and challenges faced by developers is crucial for enhancing productivity and job satisfaction. This session will explore effective strategies for

mapping developer experiences and tailoring environments that foster creativity and efficiency.

  • Identifying key metrics for developer satisfaction and productivity, that genuinely reflect engineer’s day-to-day experiences.
  • Establishing robust feedback mechanisms to continuously gather insights from developers about their work environment, tools, and workflow challenges
  • Personalising development environments to suit individual and team preferences, which can significantly boost efficiency.
  • Structuring continuous learning and professional development to keep skills relevant and developers motivated.
  • Building a culture that values open communication, collaboration, and innovation among development teams.

Lorisa Dubuc

Executive Director, User Experience
JPMorgan Chase & Co

5:00 pm - 5:10 pm End of Conference