Enhance your summit experience by also participating in the Observability & SRE Summit!
Both events run concurrently, offering a unique opportunity to deepen
your understanding on how observability can empower your developer populations alongside Developer Experience.
Speakers Include:
Key Themes
Economising Observability: Balancing Cost and Value
Unifying Observability Across Hybrid & Cloud-Native Environments
Navigating Observability at Scale Without Crushing Devs With Corporate IT
Empowering Developers with Out-of-the-box Observability Tooling
Strategies & Challenges of Effective OpenTelemetry Adoption
Metrics that Matter: Measuring the Health & Success of Your Observability Strategy
Why Attend the Observability Summit?
The Observability Summit provides crucial insights into monitoring and managing your applications effectively in product
Connect with industry leaders and peers who are equally passionate about platform engineering practices and developer excellence.
Expand your professional network across both summits with networking events.
Gain a comprehensive view of the latest tools, trends, and techniques - Understanding how observability can empower you to build more reliable, scalable, and maintainable software.
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