Insight and Content Hub I Developer Experience Summit 2024

Developer Experience Summit I Agenda 2024

Welcome to the Developer Experience Summit UK - Europe’s Only Event Focused On Developer Experience, Productivity & Satisfaction.This premier event is dedicated to enhancing workflows and practices for leaders in Developer Experience, Platform Engineering, and DevOps ...

Reports & Insights

[Main Report] Optimising the Developer Journey: Mapping a Changing Terrain

 The work of developers is vital for companies striving to thrive in the competitive tech landscape. A positive developer experience (DX) is essential for a company's growth, while a negative one risks losing top talent. Despite high-profile tech layoffs in 2023, developers have many job options and often choose companies...

[Report] What is Developer Experience? Unlock the potential of DX and achieve a competitive edge

A more clearly defined understanding of DX can unlock the potential of businesses to achieve a competitive edgeIn recent years, Developer Experience (DX) has transcended from a niche concept to a strategic imperative, reshaping the landscape of business innovation across all sectors. However, amidst this rapid evolution, DX has become...


People, Process, Platforms: Building the Culture for Developer Experience

No matter how meticulously you craft a software development strategy, a negative Developer Experience can derail your entire plan. Learn more.

Eliminating Friction with Self-Service Developer Environments

SSDEs have been hailed as a solution to friction inside Dev Teams, but do they deliver on this promise?

Embedding Developer Portals for Enhanced Productivity

Developers are expensive: make sure you’re getting the most out of their time at work

10 common developer frictions, bottlenecks and barriers

Organisations that get the best out of developers are in a better position to keep - and get the most out of - talent

Sponsorship opportunities

Developer Experience Summit UK I Agenda 2024

Welcome to the Developer Experience Summit, where we bring together leaders in Developer Experience, Platform Engineering, and DevOps to explore cutting-edge insights and strategies for enhancing developer workflows and satisfaction. This is a prime opportunity to align your brand with the forefront of developer experience innovation. Showcase your commitment to...