Gaming insights into internal collaboration and external partners

Did you see yesterday's Polygon article about the work crunches it took to get Fortnite's Live Releases off the ground?
This article is just one example of how live releases have changed the Game QA landscape, and how developers and studios must change their practises in line if they are to sustain the growth of recent years.
In Gaming IQ’s most recent Game Quality Insights Report we aim to understand how developers and studios are impacting live service, product launch efficiency and overall game quality through internal collaboration and outsourcing.
Developed with insights from over 50 Game Quality Professionals such as King, Electronic Arts, Deep Silver, Ubisoft, Tencent Games and many more, this report delves into the dynamics of working with external partners to deliver Quality, and the internal drive across Quality Assurance, Player Support, Localisation, Production/Development and Operations to ensure smooth releases.
Download the full report here or email us at and we’ll send you a copy!
Sneak Peek at the report insights:
Internal Collaboration
- Discover how other developers rate their internal collaboration
- Learn which departments work best together and which need more work
- Find out how live services has impacted quality of services and internal structre
- Discover which technological processes other developers are looking at to improve internal processes
External Partnerships
- Discover the main reasons why other developers are outsourcing
- How does your satisfaction with suppliers compare?
- Do the outsourcing challenges you face match up with those of the industry?
- Find out the most effective way to meet new partners
Want to learn more about how other studios and developers are increasing efficieny and improving quality of live releases?
At this year's Game Quality Forum Global, we're bringing together over 250+ members of the quality, localisation and player support community once again to discuss all things quality!
With case studies from experts including Google, EA, Ubisoft, Riot Games, Tencent, King and many more, we'll be discussing everything from automation and machine learning to service quality measurement, with unique insights from both our global expert speakers and leading industry partners, all designed to help you navigate the best way to augment your systems,
At this year's Game Quality Forum Global, we're welcoming our most senior panel of experts from across the globe, including experts including Google, EA, Ubisoft, Riot Games, Tencent, King and many more (see full line-up here) to discuss everything from automation and machine learning to service quality measurement. Use these unique insights from both our global expert speakers and leading industry partners to navigate the best way to augment your systems to improve Game Quality!