Testimonial from Estelle Bailly, Localization Director, Hi-Rez Studios

What advice would you give to a gaming industry
professional with imposter syndrome?
Um, so to those in the gaming industry who suffer from imposter syndrome, I'd say you don't have to live and feel like an imposter all your life. There are tips, there are ways to tackle imposter syndrome. It's not going to be easy; it's going to take time. But try to be, maybe one piece of advice would be to see yourself as a work-in-progress person, you know, in constant learning, constant improvement as well. And yeah, that could be the first, you know, the first tip, but yeah, there's plenty of others.
What are some of the key takeaways of insights you've gained at GQF 2023?
Quality Forum this year, it's just full of talented people. It's very inspiring, speakers as well. Not only speakers because, you know, you network quite easily, and you speak with people, you share knowledge. It's very friendly, really. And I think that people really are eager to share their knowledge. They are not reluctant; you know, they don't keep things for themselves, and they're like, 'Okay, you know how to do it; can you help me?' And then I saw several people meet and, you know, set for a coffee, sit for a coffee, and talk about stuff to really help them in their work. And I find that quite extraordinary in such an event because usually, people are very proud of what they know but not necessarily willing to give things to others, you know. Really, transparency, sharing, honestly share things with others. But here, I find that the atmosphere is really good, so I really like it.
Why do you think it's important to attend GQF?
To me, in the gaming industry, I think it would be really important to have localization, QA, and Community work together as a very other single team, basically, because you need the community to get the sentiments from all communities of players, international players. But also, the source language of the game, you need localization to make sure that the international audience can play your game in their own language. And you need the QA to make sure that your game looks very professional and is free from bugs, and everything looks good, and all characters display correctly, even, you know, when it's not a Latin character. So, um, I think it's a very good combination of the three industries among the gaming industry to have these three components in such an event, and people can really share knowledge and talk to each other, which is not always the case in the industry or in our company. So it's good to open the dialogue.
Describe GQF in three words or less!
Inspiring, talented, and friends.