Gaming Revolution: Unveiling the Global Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Gaming Industry

Gaming Revolution: Unveiling the Global Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Gaming Industry

AI has quite literally been a game changer for the gaming industry. Developers are benefitting from AI technologies before the games are released into markets across the globe, and once games are being played, AI is playing an increasing role in community management and support. This report focusses on the transformative impact of AI on three key functions within game development: Quality Assurance, Localization and Player Community and Support.

Download this report to learn more about:

  • The utilisation of AI technologies in game development, from revolutionising processes and enhancing efficiency.
  • The evolution and integration of AI through case studies from Europe, North America and APAC.
  • The regulations governing AI integration across different regions.

Through comprehensive analysis and case studies, this report explores the ever-evolving landscape of the post-game development cycle, each function's interaction with AI and how it is shaping its present and future trajectories