Sky Tunley-Stainton

Partnerships & Training Manager Safe in Our World


9:00 AM PRESENTATION: Mental Health in Games and Navigating Uncertainty

Safe In Our World is committed to creating and fostering worldwide mental health awareness within the video game industry; to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health, making it a natural topic of discussion, and promoting the dialogue surrounding mental health so people are not afraid to reach out for help if they need it. Not only is the goal to help those struggling with these issues, but also to assist people who donโ€™t suffer from mental health issues in understanding these afflictions as well as identifying symptoms, their signs, and any related challenges so they are better equipped to help others in a proactive and educated manner. Join this presentation to learn about some key challenges across the industry, what Safe In Our World are doing to combat these, and how each individual can navigate uncertainty. This session is for those in leadership looking to support their teams, as well as individuals to acknowledge and work through challenges.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Sky.

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