Sean Collin

VP & Global Head of Product and IP Legal ELASTIC

A career spanning 33 years internationally, strategically advising on and managing the innovating, growing, building, monetizing and equity exits for technology, science, and systems-based companies internationally. Complementary in-house and outside counsel legal, executive, consulting, academic, management, and non-profit roles generating deep expertise in the field and in execution experience around maximizing intellectual property and innovation value creation globally. Pro-bono non-profit, academic and management roles in human rights and indigenous peoples’ advancement internationally. The latter part of my career has evolved more entrepreneurially, where I have engaged in multiple interests both academic and technology company focused. I am really and truly “pumped” to be an Elastician. I love search, because I love the gifts that data can provide. I believe in it as a force for good. It empowers people around the world given access to it. Data and knowledge brings light and clarity. It is a great equalizer. Maybe it is “the” great equalizer. When the power of ideas has no monopoly, and the data necessary to direct them efficiently and productively can be accessed instantly and thoroughly the world is better. Elastic does that. Elastic is the future. It is a very positive future. I am proud to be part of its global Team and global vision.

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