Dr Izzun Nasheef M. Hamsuri

Doctor in Medical Development and Management Unit Putrajaya Hospital Malaysia

Health Facilities Asia Day 2

2:20 PM Creating Hazard-Free and Sustainable Healthcare Facilities for Enhanced Patient Care

  • Designing healthcare facilities with safety and sustainability in mind, eliminating hazards while prioritising patient needs 
  • Implementing eco-friendly strategies, including energy-efficient technologies and sustainable materials, to improve facility performance and patient outcomes 
  • Conducting thorough inspections and maintenance to uphold safety standards while integrating sustainable practices like waste reduction and water conservation

2:50 PM An ESG-Focused Approach to Building Sustainable Healthcare Facilities

  • Integrating sustainable design and renewable energy to build an eco-friendly, resource-efficient healthcare facility 
  • Implementing ESG principles to reduce environmental impact, conserve resources, and ensure operational transparency 
  • Enhancing indoor environmental quality to promote patient well-being and staff health through innovative, green facility solutions 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Dr Izzun Nasheef.

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