21 - 22 October, 2019
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Loay Ghazaleh
Advisor, Office of the Undersecretary
Ministry of Public Works, Bahrain
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Loay.
Download The Latest AgendaConference Day One: Monday, 21 October 2019
Monday, October 21st, 2019
2:50 PM REGIONAL INSIGHT: Islands of sustainability: A strategic approach to smart sustainable islands
The call for sustainable island development is a key priority amongst government and island stakeholders. New designs, building strategies and spatial planning that integrate seascapes and landscapes are an opportunity to create “smarter” sustainable islands.
Key question: what are the key strategies and techniques for establishing environmentally sustainable islands
In this session, we will:
- Examine challenges to achieving sustainability on reclaimed land
- Review Middle Eastern policies to drive the sustainability of reclaimed island
- Cost effective sustainable methods of land reclamation
- Action points for establishing smart, sustainable, inclusive and thriving societies