Nicola Parkin
Learning Designer
Flinders University
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Nicola.
Download The Latest AgendaConference Day One: Tuesday, 06th August 2019
Tuesday, August 6th, 2019
2:20 PM Encountered Learning – Lessons From a Radical Learning Design
Flinders University is in the midst of a radical reconfiguring of its fully online Graduate Certificate in Education (Higher Education). Moves include repositioning the nature and locale of ‘expertise’; treating students as peer ‘practitioners’ and co-creators of the curriculum; provoking active engaged enquiry within one’s own communities of practice; and most radical of all, a continuously negotiated ‘dialogic’ assessment strategy. Sounds exciting - but how is it really going? Is it too much? - or maybe, not enough? Is there a sweet spot between unfettered boldness and the orthodoxies of our educational strategies?
This session exposes and explores in unabashed frankness:
- Configuring leading-edge educational strategies to provide an ‘encountered’ learning approach
- The processes for mapping course philosophies, structures and strategies programmatically
- The strange ‘third-space’ position of being a learning designer who teaches
- The difficulties and gifts of being ‘in’ an emergent curriculum design
Conference Day Two: Wednesday, 7th August 2019
Wednesday, August 7th, 2019
12:30 PM PANEL DISCUSSION: What are the New Roles, Responsibilities & KPIs of a Learning Designer and How Does That Affect You?
The definition of a learning designer is not exactly clear is it is a challenge for some to see the value and purpose learning designers can provide. There are multiple disciplines involved in the role and it is constantly evolving and growing to include pedagogy, technology and course design expertise to focus on creating and maintaining quality learning and teaching.
Panellists will discuss:
- Communicating the value and strategic importance of learning designer’s to a digital education to enable student outcomes
- Exploring emerging ideas in design, technologies and tools to integrate with education needs to be relevant to learning needs
- Considering the different roles and skills learning designers take on to stay on top of current practices while preparing for the future