Amanda Cuthbert

Live Ops Marketing Director Creative Assembly

After many years working in video games brand and marketing, at publishers and developers, I'm lucky to be focused on the area that interests me the most - using marketing technology and activating data to create engaging experiences.

Main Day 2 - Wednesday 11th September

1:45 PM PANEL: LiveOps Data Dashboard: How Player Insight can be a Gateway to Success

  • Monitor the heartbeat of your game: Track engagement, retention, and monetization metrics in real-time to swiftly identify trends and adapt strategies. Ensure seamless updates and capacity planning by evaluating the need for expanded infrastructure like additional live servers.
  • Strategic, data-driven decision-making: Leverage comprehensive analytics to set initiatives that enhance player experiences and retention.
  • Measure ROI and Refine Strategies: Validate LiveOps impact using data to guide future-oriented investments. Continuously assess and optimize operations by integrating in-game data with player insights from community feedback, consumer studies, and user research to enhance relevancy and effectiveness.
  • Coordinate your productions teams and engage them in your data & players insights to make sure to sustain team engagement and motivation.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Amanda.

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