Mohammed Benhenneda

Business Strategy & Live Performance Director (Rainbow Six) Ubisoft

After having spent 5 years in media, I’ve joined Ubisoft on market research to guide production teams on trends and how the market is evolving. After 2 years, I’ve joined finance at the studio level to help teams plan their live content strategy, monetization plans and their additional content revenue forecasts.

My team and myself were working on over 10 projects across Canada helping them make sure to optimize our results as much as possible. In 2019, I’ve joined the Rainbow Six Siege core team in order to drive the business aspect of the project as a Business Strategy and Live Performance director. In this role, I’ve helmed the monetization, marketing, esports, data and finance teams on the project. I am in charge of following the KPIs of the project (acquisition, retention and monetization) and making sure that we’re hitting our profitability target.

Main Day 2 - Wednesday 11th September

2:35 PM PRESENTATION: Post-Launch Strategies for Longevity and Growth

  • Continuous Content Delivery: The importance of a roadmap for regular content updates to keep the game fresh and engaging for players.
  • Community Engagement and Feedback: Leveraging community feedback to make informed updates and changes, enhancing player satisfaction and retention.
  • Evolving Monetisation Strategies: Examining how successful games evolve their monetization strategies post-launch to boost revenue while maintaining player trust.
  •  Analytics and Adaptation: Using data analytics to understand player behaviour and adapt the game to meet changing preferences and trends.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Mohammed.

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