2nd Conference Day, Wednesday, 28 August 2024

8:00 am - 8:30 am Registration and Welcome Coffee

Registration and Welcome Coffee


Who is Who | Discover who else is participating in the conference.

The picture wall will help you identify who you want to meet at the conference.

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

8:25 am - 8:30 am Chairperson's Opening Remarks
Ricardo Rocha - Offshore Wind Technical Director, BayWa r.e. AG

Ricardo Rocha

Offshore Wind Technical Director
BayWa r.e. AG

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

8:30 am - 9:00 am Advances in Understanding of Ice-Induced Vibrations of Offshore Wind Turbines
Tim Hammer - PhD candidate, Delft University of Technology
  • What we aimed to achieve with five years of research on the topic in collaboration with SGRE
  • Model-scale experiments of ice-induced vibrations of offshore wind turbines
  • Should the guidance on ice-induced vibrations in standards be refocused?

Tim Hammer

PhD candidate
Delft University of Technology

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

9:00 am - 9:30 am Ice Engineering Challenges for Baltic Sea Offshore Wind Development
Dr.ir. Hayo Hendrikse - Assistant Professor of Ice-Structure Interaction, Delft University of Technology

• Questions and challenges related to sea ice encountered during five years of

 research and consultancy

• The gaps in guidance in standards and how to close those with(out) more data

• Ice loads from a wind farm perspective instead of individual structures


Dr.ir. Hayo Hendrikse

Assistant Professor of Ice-Structure Interaction
Delft University of Technology

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

9:30 am - 10:00 am Corrosion protection for very long lifetimes – are 35 years or more possible for offshore wind?
Lars Lichtenstein - Principal Specialist, Steel Structures & Corrosion, DNV Renewables Certification GmbH

Lars Lichtenstein

Principal Specialist, Steel Structures & Corrosion
DNV Renewables Certification GmbH

Stream B - Offshore Substations

9:20 am - 9:30 am Chairperson's Opening Remarks
Marien Ruppert - Lead Project Development Offshore & DC, TenneT

Marien Ruppert

Lead Project Development Offshore & DC

Stream B - Offshore Substations

9:30 am - 10:00 am How can we develop an electricity grid at sea - Open discussion

Share your experiences, ideas, questions and thoughts with your peers. How should future

offshore grids look like? How far are we with new concepts for energy hubs?

  • How will DC grids of the future look like?
  • Innovative approaches for a more flexible energy transfer
  • Moving from point to point connection towards meshed grids
  • Interconnection of multiple HVDC links
  • Energy Islands as a new electricity hub
  • Main challenges for project development and construction

10:00 am - 10:30 am Refreshment & Networking

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

10:30 am - 11:00 am Corrosion Protection of Foundation Connections
Jurriaan van den Berg - Manager Design Engineering, Trelleborg Infrastructure

• Design criteria and seal engineering

• Sealing off grouted connections

• Corrosion protection for bolted L-Flanges

• Applications to other connection types


Jurriaan van den Berg

Manager Design Engineering
Trelleborg Infrastructure

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

11:00 am - 11:30 am Upcoming ISO standards covering Corrosion protection of offshore wind structures
Birit Buhr - Chief corrosion engineer, European Energy

Birit Buhr

Chief corrosion engineer
European Energy

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

11:30 am - 12:00 pm Estimation of a sufficient preload level in bolted connections of L- and T-flanges
Lukas Makevicius - Structural Engineer / Technical Project Manager, DNV

• Reliability of selected tightening methods

• Estimation of preload losses

• Background to the newest developments in IEC 61400-6/AMD1


Lukas Makevicius

Structural Engineer / Technical Project Manager

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Analysis of corroded steel structures with local fatigue approaches
Sulaiman Shojai - Research Associate at Institute for Steel Construction, Leibniz University

• Experimental fatigue analysis of corroded welded components

• Surface geometry changes due to corrosion

• Consideration of the surface geometry changes via 3D scans

• Application of replica technique for mapping the surface geometry of existing

 offshore structures

• Determination of stress concentration due to corrosion in welded and non-welded


• Consideration of stress concentrations in local fatigue analysis


Sulaiman Shojai

Research Associate at Institute for Steel Construction
Leibniz University

Stream B - Offshore Substations

10:30 am - 11:00 am Subsea Substation – key enabler for cost effective offshore power generation Subsea substations are available today and have the potential to:
Marius Asak - Senior Manager Concepts & Solutions, Aker Solutions

• Standardize

• Simplify and de-risk installation

• Reduce costs


Marius Asak

Senior Manager Concepts & Solutions
Aker Solutions

Stream B - Offshore Substations

11:00 am - 11:30 am DNV-ST-0145 Offshore substations
Markus Kochmann - Head of Section, Offshore Substations, DNV GL - Renewables Certification
  • Overview of significant changes for bottom-fixed
  • OSSRequirements for floating substations
  • Phase 2 of Joint Industry Project


Markus Kochmann

Head of Section, Offshore Substations
DNV GL - Renewables Certification

Stream B - Offshore Substations

11:30 am - 12:30 pm Round Table Session

Choose one of the following topics:

Table A - Offshore substation design in view of power 2 gas

Table B - Life extension of substations

Table C - Subsea substations

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Networking Lunch

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Lifetime Extension and Mass Savings of Monopiles Through Postweld Treatment with Nanolaminate Metal Composites
Prof. Dr. Marcus Rutner - Institute Director, Institute for Metal and Composite Structures Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

• Increase of notch class of double-V butt weld from FAT class 80 to FAT class 190

• Elimination of fatigue as governing load case in the design of offshore windtubine foundations

• 600% increase in lifetime of monopiles

• About 30% mass savings of monopiles


Prof. Dr. Marcus Rutner

Institute Director
Institute for Metal and Composite Structures Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Re-evaluation of fatigue design curves for offshore wind monopile foundations using thick as-welded test specimens
Ali Mehmanparast - Professor of Offshore Structural Integrity, University of Strathclyde
Amir Chahardehi - Chief Engineer, Kent

• Classification of relevant fatigue design curves for offshore wind foundation application

• Review of the historical data and assumptions for generation of the existing design curves

• Analysis of the large-thickness fatigue test data

• The effect of S-N curve slope change on design and life assessment of foundations

• Other considerations for future research and innovation


Ali Mehmanparast

Professor of Offshore Structural Integrity
University of Strathclyde


Amir Chahardehi

Chief Engineer

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm JaCo Project: Fatigue strength advantage of robot welding for tubular joints for jackets
Philippe Thibaux - Senior Specialist, OCAS

• Comparison of production method of jacket nodes with robots

• Characterization of the fatigue strength of the joints

• For fatigue critical structures, application of robot welding can lead to a mass decrease

 of 10 to 20%


Philippe Thibaux

Senior Specialist

Stream B - Offshore Substations

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Green Hydrogen Production: Synergies with Offshore Wind Energy
Jochelle Laguipo - PhD Researcher, Dublin City University

• Universal Potential of Offshore Wind and Green Hydrogen: Exploring the global

 potential of offshore wind to facilitate green hydrogen production.

• Integration Challenges and Synergies: Identifying technical barriers and synergies

 between offshore wind energy and hydrogen production on a global scale.

• Economic Impacts and Opportunities: Discussing the worldwide economic benefits,

 including job creation, energy security, and regional development.

• Policy Landscape and Public Perception: Analysing the global policy environment and

 public engagement necessary to advance green hydrogen initiatives.

• Strategies for Global Decarbonisation: Highlighting the critical role of offshore wind in

 driving the global decarbonization effort through green hydrogen.


Jochelle Laguipo

PhD Researcher
Dublin City University

Stream B - Offshore Substations

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Technical Challenges and Opportunities in Offshore Hydrogen Production
Edwin van Drunen - Managing Consultant, H2SEA

• A presentation aimed to provide a quick overview in system challenges of offshore hydrogen

• Key elements and their size in different system arrangements

• Key elements in control of the system in wind variability

• Off grid or grid connected considerations


Edwin van Drunen

Managing Consultant

Stream B - Offshore Substations

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Offshore Electrolysis – Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges to deliver green H2 at large scale
Alexander Zaczek - Lead Offshore Wind System Integration, EnBW

• Validation of hydrogen systems for offshore application

• Ramp up of Electrolyzer manufacturing capacity

• Relying on established standards and supply chain for offshore wind


Alexander Zaczek

Lead Offshore Wind System Integration

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Refreshment Break and Networking

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Celebrating 6 Years Operation of Floating Wind: A must-have Experience for Optimizing and Scaling-up
Alberto Peña - Head of Business Development, BW Ideol

• Floatgen – First France’s offshore wind turbine

• Floatgen remarkable records

• Key learnings of nearly 6 years offshore operations

• A unique platform to implement innovation and R&D projects

Alberto Peña, Head of Business Development, BW Ideol


Alberto Peña

Head of Business Development
BW Ideol

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Prototype Design - Research and development on Floating Offshore Wind
Xuwen Wang - Load analysis engineer, Goldwind
  • Development of floating offshore wind in China
  • Challenges overview of floating offshore wind turbine design
  • Investigation on technical solution of FOWT prototype design

Xuwen Wang

Load analysis engineer

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Lessons Learned from the TetraSpar Project – Execution + more than 2 Years Operation
Jesper Møller - Head of Sales and Business Development, Stiesdal Offshore Technologies

• Industrialized manufacturing of a floating offshore wind foundation

• What does fast assembly and launch mean

• How does the structure cope with severe weather

• What is the result of +2 years operation


Jesper Møller

Head of Sales and Business Development
Stiesdal Offshore Technologies

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

5:30 pm - 6:00 pm FEED and Detailed Design Process of Floating Substructures and its implications on successful project development
Denis Matha - Global Head of Floating Wind, Ramboll

• Outline of the challenges in structural design of floating substructures (effectively

 managing coupled analysis and detailed FEA in a comprehensive and efficient process)

• Description of existing technical approaches

• Presentation of Ramboll’s innovative GIS design approach

• Comment on interface with WTG OEMs as part of the process

• Discussion on implications of the design process to overall project schedule and risk


Denis Matha

Global Head of Floating Wind

Stream A – Offshore Foundations

6:00 pm - 6:15 pm Chairperson’s closing remarks and end of conference
Ricardo Rocha - Offshore Wind Technical Director, BayWa r.e. AG


Ricardo Rocha

Offshore Wind Technical Director
BayWa r.e. AG

Stream B - Offshore Substations

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Spatial and electrical integration of offshore electrolysis
Wouter van de Graaf - Process / Concept Engineer, Gasunie

• Energy Hubs

• System integration

• Offshore electrolysis

• Substation design


Wouter van de Graaf

Process / Concept Engineer

Stream B - Offshore Substations

4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Offshore Wind to H2 - Risk and win - Interactive Panel Discussion
Wouter van de Graaf - Process / Concept Engineer, Gasunie
Alexander Zaczek - Lead Offshore Wind System Integration, EnBW

• Business case analysis

• Risk and win for operators vs. OEMs


Wouter van de Graaf

Process / Concept Engineer


Alexander Zaczek

Lead Offshore Wind System Integration

Stream B - Offshore Substations

5:00 pm - 5:15 pm Chairperson’s closing remarks and end of Stream B
Marien Ruppert - Lead Project Development Offshore & DC, TenneT

Marien Ruppert

Lead Project Development Offshore & DC