Generative AI, Machine Learning models, Natural Language Processing... there's a lot of buzz around new technologies and how they're changing the eCommerce landscape. With the entire world talking about AI, the conversation can often get diluted, repetitive, or sometimes so filled with jargon it loses all meaning. So, how can you practically leverage AI innovation within your digital experience strategy? Join Craig for this no-fluff session to discuss and discover practical examples and inspirational use cases from real brands who are ushering in the future of shopping to increase automation, lower operational costs, and drive more revenue.
Discover how the LTA is advancing British tennis through the strategic implementation of a personalisation engine, enhancing customer engagement and driving business success.
As expectations continue to increase, AI unlocking new ways of creating more personalized experiences and privacy regulations evolve, there is a need to re-imagine how to tailor personalized experiences across channels.
Michiel Dorjee – Director Digital Experience at Optimizely will showcase how Optimizely has transformed from a one-size-fits-all strategy to providing hyper-relevant, personalized 1:1 messaging combining integrated technology in combination with smart AI.
In this session you will learn: