Building Valuable Data Products: Enhancing Personalisation and Streamlining Purchase Journeys

Key considerations for building the data products that will make customers love your brand

“This treasure trove of customer data isn’t just an accumulation of ones and zeros; it’s a strategic asset that holds the key to unlocking remarkable insights and driving business success.” Aragon Research

In today's data-driven world, the customer information held by businesses is a rich opportunity for driving value. From browsing habits and cart abandonment to purchase history and engagement with marketing, this data offers a clear opportunity for understanding and catering to individual needs. Simply possessing data, however, is not taking full advantage of this opportunity. The true value lies in transforming raw data into valuable data products: tools and insights that enhance customer experience, drive loyalty and ultimately boost sales.

This article explores how companies may leverage customer data to develop robust data products, with the aim of improving data value transactions so that both businesses and consumers feel the benefit.

Understanding Data Value Transactions

Data value transactions entail the exchange of customer data for enhanced services and personalisation. According to surveys conducted by HBR, “when data is used to improve a product or service, consumers generally feel the enhancement itself is a fair trade for their data.”

When consumers willingly share their data in exchange for tailored experiences, businesses must remember the importance of transparency and trust in data usage. The transactional nature of this exchange means that there is a clear expectation for the consumer to benefit from providing the information requested.

This transaction involves several key steps:

Data Collection: data may be obtained from various sources such as website interactions, purchase history and customer surveys

Data Cleaning and Integration: Ensuring data is accurate, complete and integrated from several collection points to create a unified customer profile

Data Analysis: Utilizing data analytics tools to uncover patterns, trends and customer preferences

Data Visualization: Transforming insights into clear and actionable visuals for decision-making

Data Activation: Implementing insights into practical applications such as product recommendations, personalized marketing campaigns and dynamic pricing strategies Achieving quality at each stage is crucial to ensure that resulting data products are effective and able to provide accurate insights.

Leveraging Data for Valuable Products

McKinsey found that 71 percent of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions; and 76 percent get frustrated when this doesn’t happen. Consumer brands must therefore leverage data to develop valuable products that enhance the customer journey.

Here are a few key examples:

1. Personalisation: Customers today expect a more personalized experience. Data can be used to create targeted product recommendations, suggest relevant content and tailor marketing messages based on individual preferences.

Examples include: e-commerce platforms use browsing and purchase history to suggest relevant products, while streaming services recommend content based on viewing patterns.

2. Dynamic Pricing: By analyzing customer behavior and market trends, businesses can implement dynamic pricing strategies. This allows for adjusting product prices based on real-time factors like demand, competitor pricing and customer purchase history.

Examples include: hotels able to offer lower prices at times of low demand, surge pricing in ride-sharing apps or offers based on customer behavior such as loyalty.

3. Predictive Analytics: Data can be used to predict future customer behavior and anticipate their needs. This empowers businesses to proactively suggest products and services before customers even realize their desire, creating a smoother buying experience.

Examples include: a customer who frequently buys baby food may be recommended toddler formula at an appropriate time, targeted promotions for churn risk or preventative maintenance for equipment.

Enhancing Purchase Journeys with Data

Data plays a crucial role in streamlining and enhancing the purchase journey for customers.

Here's how:

1. Simplified Product Discovery: By analyzing browsing history and past purchases, data can be used to suggest relevant products, filter search results and showcase personalized product recommendations. This helps customers find the products they need quickly and efficiently.

2. Frictionless Checkout: Data can be used to pre-populate checkout forms with customer information, saving time and reducing frustration at the payment stage. Security can be enhanced with data-driven fraud detection systems at checkout.

3. Omnichannel Consistency: Data can unify the customer experience whether they are using a website, mobile app or physical store. For example, seamlessly transferring a customer's shopping cart between devices creates a cohesive purchase journey.

4. Post-Purchase Engagement: Purchase data may be used to recommend complementary products and services, offer personalized post-purchase support and deepen the relationship with the customer. Together, these approaches are a roadmap to delighted customers and increased conversion rates.

Loyalty Schemes and Membership Cards

Loyalty programs and membership cards are powerful tools for data collection and personalized engagement. These programs encourage consumers to share data for rewards and benefits, incentivizing repeat purchases while providing valuable insights into customer preferences.

Data gathered through these programs can be used for:

Segmenting Customers: Grouping customers based on purchase history, demographics and behavior allows for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized offerings

Rewarding Loyalty: Offering exclusive deals and discounts based on purchase frequency can encourage repeat business

Predicting Churn: By analyzing purchase patterns, businesses can identify customers at risk of churning and implement retention strategies

Example: Starbucks Rewards program allows the company to collect data through purchases. The program offers personalized recommendations, birthday rewards and exclusive offers through the mobile app. This not only drives customer loyalty, but also provides valuable data on customer preferences and purchasing habits.

Creating Valuable Data Products

While the potential for creating data products such as customer insights dashboards and predictive analytics tools is vast, creating truly valuable products requires careful consideration.

Here are some key aspects to consider:

Focus on User Needs: Always keep the customer in mind. What problems are you solving for them with this data product?

Brand Appropriateness: Does the data product fit with the broader brand values of the business? Does it feel native or more like an add-on or afterthought?

Data Security and Privacy: Ensure customer data is secure and privacy regulations are adhered to. Transparency in data collection and usage is key for building trust.

Actionable Insights: Data products should translate insights into clear and actionable recommendations that can be implemented by businesses.

Ease of Use: Ensure the data product is user-friendly and easily integrated into existing workflows.

For example: a retail brand might develop predictive analytics to anticipate inventory needs based on purchase trends, ensuring popular items are always available for prompt delivery.

Improving Data Value Transactions

The success of data-driven strategies lies in continuously improving the data value transaction process. Here are some best practices:

Invest in Data Infrastructure: Robust data infrastructure ensures data accuracy, accessibility and scalability to meet the growing needs of a data-driven business.

Embrace a Data Culture: Foster a data-driven culture within the organization where employees understand the value of data and are equipped to leverage it effectively.

Data Governance: Establish clear data governance policies to ensure responsible data collection, storage and utilization. Compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA safeguards consumer rights while supporting ethical data handling.

Continuous Learning: Stay updated on the latest data analytics technologies and best practices to improve data extraction and insights generation.

Invest in Consumer Trust: Transparent communication about data collection, usage and protection builds trust. Looking out for customers is an important aspect of relationship building.

Future Directions

The landscape of data products is constantly evolving. Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) hold immense potential for further optimizing data value transactions.

AI-powered Personalisation: AI can analyze vast amounts of customer data to create highly personalized recommendations, content and marketing messages.

Predictive Maintenance: Machine learning algorithms can analyze sensor data from connected devices to predict equipment failure and schedule preventive maintenance, improving customer experience and reducing downtime.

Real-time Decision Making: AI-powered data analytics can enable real-time decision making based on customer behavior and market trends. This allows businesses to personalize offers, optimize pricing strategies and react to customer needs instantaneously.

Blockchain: Blockchain technologies deliver enhanced security and personalisation. The rise of zero-party data, where consumers willingly share preferences, offers new avenues for personalized experiences.

By harnessing these advancements, businesses can create even more valuable data products that personalize experiences to an unprecedented degree, fostering stronger customer relationships and driving business growth.


Consumer brands benefit from creating valuable data products that enhance personalisation and streamline purchase journeys. Businesses have an opportunity, by leveraging customer data responsibly and innovatively, to build trust, loyalty and competitive advantage in the digital marketplace. By embracing ethical data practices and advancing technological capabilities, brands can achieve seamless, personalized experiences to match the high expectations of customers in an increasingly data-centric world.

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