Yufei Ai

Data Science Manager, Personalisation Asda

Yufei is the data science manager for personalisation at ASDA/LS11. She has years of experience building and implementing data models to solve business problems in e-commerce, CRM, customer loyalty scheme with UK’s big retail brands. She is also leading the MLOps best practice for scalable Data Science delivery. Yufei is now leading a team working on the solutions to the personalised next best actions using customers data. This would help the business scale up the personalisation capability, and create more relevant customer experiences on omnichannel.

Main Day 1 - Tuesday 5th November

12:00 PM Panel: Understanding and Engaging Your Consumer with Built, Reliable Data and Digital Transformation

  • Building Data Assets: Focus on privacy and compliance while creating value exchanges that encourage customers to willingly share their data, emphasizing the importance of first-party data.
  • Diverse Data Utilization: Learn how to effectively use zero, first, and second-party data to gain deep insights into your customers.
  • Comprehensive Customer View: Learn to stitch together a comprehensive picture of the customer through an ecosystem of digital touchpoints, including first-party data and behavioral data across multiple devices, to deliver a truly personalized experience.
  • Reliable Activation: Discover strategies for activating customer data reliably, ensuring personalized and meaningful interactions.
  • Digital Transformation: Understand how digital transformation facilitates seamless engagement across all organizational channels.
  • Technology Integration: Explore the role of emerging technologies and platforms, such as CDPs and AI, in merging data streams for accurate targeting and personalisation.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Yufei.

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