Conference Day Two

8:30 am - 9:00 am Registration & Pastries

9:00 am - 9:10 am Opening Remarks

9:10 am - 9:40 am Keynote Presentation: What is Your Brand Responsible For? Defining Responsible Advertising for Your Business

Nicola Matthews - Head of Marketing UK&I, Tony's Chocolonely

In an era where consumers demand more from brands than ever before, understanding and defining what responsible advertising means for your business is crucial. This keynote presentation will explore the multifaceted nature of responsible marketing and advertising, offering a comprehensive framework to help brands navigate this complex landscape and align their practices with evolving societal expectations.

  • Developing and integrating a framework that integrates responsible practices into every aspect of your advertising strategy, aligned to industry standards
  • Strategies for ensuring your entire marketing supply chain and partnership network reflects and reinforces your brand's core values
  • Assessing what tools and methodologies are available for measuring the impact of your responsible advertising efforts and maintaining accountability and transparency
  • Aligning responsible marketing strategies with wider organisational objectives to increase buy-in and engagement across the business


Nicola Matthews

Head of Marketing UK&I
Tony's Chocolonely

9:40 am - 10:20 am Panel Discussion: Building a Responsible & Ethical Framework for AI in Marketing

Rebecca Swift - SVP Creative Content, Getty Images

As AI transforms marketing capabilities, it also raises critical ethical, legal, and societal concerns. Powerful synthesising abilities open risks around harmful bias, plagiarism, copyright infringement and misinformation. Marketers must proactively develop responsible AI frameworks to ensure ethical and responsible use of the tools available.

  • Techniques for identifying and eliminating biases in AI algorithms to ensure fair and inclusive marketing practices.
  • Strategies for customising and personalising AI output and minimising plagiarism risks
  • Aligning on industry standards and the latest legal requirements to ensure compliance in your AI marketing strategies
  • Building transparency and public trust in AI systems, and communication AI usage to key stakeholders

Rebecca Swift

SVP Creative Content
Getty Images

10:20 am - 10:50 am Coffee Break

This session will explore how you to integrate ESG principals into your marketing and advertising strategies, to develop an effective sustainability roadmap for the industry, in line with the UN’s 2030 goals.

  • Examining how to get started on your sustainable marketing journey
  • What goals and objectives do we need to close in on?
  • Working together to identify the right KPIs, tools and metrics to measure true progress
  • Collaborating cross-functionally and internally to unify ESG principals and frameworks

Jacqui Merrington

Deputy Commercial Editorial Director
Mail Metro Media


Lisa Boyles

Go To Market & Media Lead


Alex Doorey

VP Corporate Affairs, Marketing and Sustainability


Susan Hooper

Non-Executive Director & Chair
Tangle Teezer, Uber UK, Moonpig PLC

Stream A: Sustainability

11:40 am - 12:10 pm Presentation: The Pivotal Role of Authenticity and Trust in Uber Advertising's Growth Story
Paul Wright - Head of International, Uber Advertising, Uber

This presentation will provide insights and strategies for navigating the complexities of sustainable marketing, emphasising the importance of genuine efforts and transparent communication.

  • Understanding greenwashing and exploring its various forms, from misleading claims to superficial sustainability efforts.
  • Recognising and avoiding common greenwashing pitfalls that can damage brand reputation and erode consumer trust.
  • Discover best practices for making authentic sustainability claims that are verifiable, meaningful, and impactful.
  • Effective communication strategies that foster transparency and honesty, helping to build and maintain consumer trust.


Paul Wright

Head of International, Uber Advertising

Stream A: Sustainability

12:15 pm - 12:45 pm Presentation Identifying the Metrics That Matter For Measuring the Success of Your Sustainable Advertising Strategies

Sustainability needs to pivot to be a primary organisational KPI. To ensure the success of Sustainability initiatives you need to identify the right metrics to measure your output. During this session we will explore effective tools and strategies to evaluate the impact and success of sustainable advertising and ESG strategies for your business, and the industry.

  • Defining success in Sustainable Advertising and understanding industry initiatives
  • Exploring advanced tools and technologies that provide accurate and actionable data for evaluating sustainable advertising efforts.
  • Aligning ESG metrics with broader business objectives to ensure a cohesive and comprehensive approach to sustainability.
  • Redefining your key marketing performance indicators in line with your sustainability goals

Stream B: Consumer Wellbeing & Safety

8:00 am - 8:40 am Panel Discussion: Tangible Steps to Protect Children from Online Harms
Harriet Kingaby - Co-Founder, Conscious Advertising Network

As digital platforms evolve, protecting children from online harms has become a critical priority for marketing, media, and advertising leaders. Join us for an insightful panel discussion that delves into tangible steps to safeguard children in today's digital landscape.

  • Identifying and addressing the various online threats to children’s safety across different platforms.
  • Developing and enforcing age-appropriate content and features for children across all digital platforms.
  • Enhancing the role of parental controls and digital literacy programs in protecting children online.
  • Promoting collaboration among brands, tech companies, educators, and policymakers to create a safer online environment for children.

Harriet Kingaby

Conscious Advertising Network

Stream B: Consumer Wellbeing & Safety

11:40 am - 12:10 pm Presentation: An Update On The Legal Requirements and Industry Standards for Children's Advertising

Children’s behaviour moves quickly, and with it, so does the online advertising space. Staying informed about the latest legal requirements and industry standards is crucial for those seeking to advertise to children. This session will provide a comprehensive update on the current regulations and best practices for children’s advertising.


  • Overview of key regulations affecting children's advertising, including COPPA, GDPR-K, OSA, DSA and other relevant laws.
  • Practical steps for ensuring your advertising practices comply with the latest legal requirements.
  • Understanding and aligning with industry guidelines and best practices for ethical advertising to children.
  • Assessing monitoring and enforcement tools and techniques available for ensuring ongoing compliance.

Stream B: Consumer Wellbeing & Safety

12:15 pm - 12:45 pm Presentation: Promoting Safer Online Advertising For Children

Brands increasingly have a responsibility to promote age-appropriate, positive messaging, and to ensure the safety and well-being of children in digital spaces. This session will provide actionable insights and strategies to create safer online advertising environments for children.

  • Understanding children's online behaviour, how they interact with online content and the unique harms and risks they face online
  • Designing and delivering age-appropriate advertising content that is suitable and safe for children.
  • Empowering parents to manage their children's online advertising exposure.
  • Implementing strong age-verification systems and sophisticated targeting mechanisms to reduce exposure to age-inappropriate marketing and products

12:45 pm - 1:45 pm Networking Lunch

Stream A: Sustainability

1:45 pm - 2:15 pm Fireside Chat: Driving Value Through Sustainability & Advertising Collaboration
Jeremy Mathieu - Head of Sustainability, ITV
Kate Waters - Head of Client Strategy & Planning, ITV

Join ITV for this exclusive conversation that interrogates the collaboration between Sustainability and Brand leaders, to align on central sustainability initiatives across your brand. This session explores how brand and sustainability individuals can work together to drive business value, mitigate risks, and ensure cohesive implementation of the central sustainability agenda across all units.

  • Aligning brand messaging with sustainability goals, ensuring consistent communication both internally and externally.
  • Identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with greenwashing and the disconnect between brand promises and sustainability practices.
  • Integrating sustainability into commercial strategies and day-to-day operations of advertising teams.
  • Building effective collaboration frameworks between sustainability and advertising teams to foster innovation and accountability.
  • Assessing the impact of sustainable advertising efforts on brand perception, customer loyalty, and overall business performance.


Jeremy Mathieu

Head of Sustainability


Kate Waters

Head of Client Strategy & Planning

Stream A: Sustainability

2:15 pm - 2:45 pm Presentation: Simplifying Sustainability in Marketing
Diane De La Baronniere - Global eCommerce Media Director, Haleon

As the marketing industry strives for greater sustainability, there is a need for simplified and actionable approaches. This session will address how to optimise media for reduced carbon footprints.

  • Key principles of sustainability and its importance in the marketing industry.
  • Overview of the cross-industry sustainability efforts to promote eco-friendly practices.
  • Integrating sustainable practices into your marketing operations without added complexity.
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of your media campaigns through smarter planning and execution.
  • Assessing the environmental impact of your marketing efforts and tracking progress toward sustainability goals.

Diane De La Baronniere

Global eCommerce Media Director

Stream B: Consumer Wellbeing & Safety

1:45 pm - 2:15 pm Presentation: Promoting Positive & Educational Messaging, Role Models and Values

Advertising plays a significant role in shaping the values and behaviour of audiences. This session will explore strategies for promoting positive and educational messaging, featuring role models that embody your brand values.


  • Crafting positive messaging and content that fosters positive values and behaviour among your consumers.
  • Incorporating educational elements into advertising to enhance learning and development.
  • Choosing role models with a positive influence who align with your brand values.
  • Measuring impact and evaluating the effectiveness of your positive and educational advertising campaigns.

Stream B: Consumer Wellbeing & Safety

2:15 pm - 2:45 pm Presentation: The Role Of Influencers In Advertising
Sarah Sutton - Global Media Director, Oatly

Influencers have a profound impact on audiences, especially children. It’s crucial for brands to understand the powerful role they play in advertising. Explore best practices and strategies for leveraging influencer marketing responsibly.

  • Understanding Influencer Impact: Insights into how influencers affect audience behaviours, preferences, and perceptions.
  • Identifying criteria for selecting influencers who align with your brand’s values and child safety standards.
  • Developing comprehensive ethical guidelines and expectations for your influencer marketing strategy
  • Promoting educational content to your young consumers and avoiding content sensationalism
  • Promoting a culture of transparency and accountability, clearly disclosing all sponsored content and partnerships


Sarah Sutton

Global Media Director

2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Coffee Break

3:15 pm - 3:55 pm Panel Discussion: Influencer Marketing Code Of Conducts

Anna Fenten - Marketing Director, Searcy's
Sarah Sutton - Global Media Director, Oatly

In the rapidly evolving landscape of influencer marketing, establishing and adhering to a robust code of conduct is essential for maintaining brand integrity and consumer trust. This discussion will explore guidelines and best practices for developing and implementing an effective influencer marketing code of conduct.

  • Establishing clear ethical guidelines for influencer partnerships and content creation aligned with regulatory framework set out by ASA
  • Ensuring influencers comply with disclosure regulations and maintain transparency with their audiences.
  • Authenticity and Alignment: Selecting influencers whose values and content align with your brand's mission and goals.
  • Preparing strategies to monitor activities, address potential issues and protect your brand in case of influencer misconduct.
  • Safeguarding influencers and maintaining integrity across your partner network


Anna Fenten

Marketing Director


Sarah Sutton

Global Media Director

3:55 pm - 4:25 pm Fireside Chat: Responding To Backlash – What Happens When the Crowd Turns On You?

In the age of social media, intense and immediate customer protests and boycotts can have a real impact on a brands profitability and value in the short-term, and in the worst instances can damage reputation and trust with consumers in the long-term. Join this fireside chat to hear from a brand who has suffered from customer backlash, and how they responded to it in real-time.

  • Understanding Backlash Dynamics: Insights into why and how public backlash occurs and its potential impact on your brand.
  • Developing crisis management plans to be prepared for potential backlash scenarios.
  • Transparent and empathetic communication during a crisis to address concerns and rebuild trust.
  • Involving key stakeholders, including customers, employees, and partners, in your response efforts.
  • Using post-crisis analysis to learn from the experience and implement changes to prevent future incidents.

4:15 pm - 4:45 pm Closing Keynote: The Conscious Attention Economy – Eliminating Ad Fatigue

Prasad Ghag - Global Head Media, Digital & Strategic Planning, Sanofi

Recent studies show that the average person can be exposed to up to 10,000 ads daily, leading to information overload and diminished consumer well-being. 72% of consumers feel bombarded by irrelevant ads, highlighting the need for more mindful advertising practices that deal directly with ad-fatigue. In an era where consumer attention is increasingly seen as a valuable commodity, the Conscious Attention Economy emphasises a more ethical approach over mere attention-seeking. Exploring how brands can work to create meaningful advertising to eliminate ad fatigue and reframing traditional advertising mindsets.

  • Connecting your advertising channels together to deliver a seamless, curated experience
  • Changing the mindset of traditional advertising KPIs
  • Managing the frequency and over-exposure of your advertisements to avoid a negative brand impact
  • Building and maintaining consumer trust through transparent marketing practices.

Prasad Ghag

Global Head Media, Digital & Strategic Planning