Pre-Conference Workshops

9:00 am - 11:00 am Workshop A: Mastering Transparency & Reporting for Sustainable Marketing Metrics

Harriet Kingaby - Co-Founder, Conscious Advertising Network

75% of marketing professionals agree that sustainability metrics, transparency and robust reporting are to priorities for their business. This workshop will delve into the emerging necessity of sustainability metrics, drawing from recent insights and trends to ensure the measurement of emissions in the advertising industry efforts are unified and effective.

  • Examining the industry frameworks as an approach to standardise formulae of carbon media measurement in all major markets
  • Creating comprehensive, unified reporting and measurement structures to comply with the latest regulatory standards and industry benchmarks
  • Transforming AdTech practices to devise emission reduction strategies and embrace sustainability metrics
  • Effective communication strategies to articulate sustainability achievements clearly internally and to customers, engaging stakeholders and the public while showcasing genuine environmental commitment.

Harriet Kingaby

Conscious Advertising Network

11:00 am - 1:00 pm Workshop B: Building a Comprehensive & Authentic Marketing Framework for Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity

Hannah Mirza - Founder & CEO, Responsible Marketing Agency

This workshop will guide participants in developing a holistic and authentic DEI marketing strategy that resonates with all audiences and drives meaningful change. Consumers can spot inauthentic, woke-washing brands, and they are more empowered than ever before. Diversity & Inclusivity cannot be a tick box exercise, it needs to be engrained into the fabric of your business, fully inclusive. 

  • Understanding the essential foundations of an inclusive marketing framework - embedding diversity, equity, and inclusivity into the core of your brand’s identity, ensuring it permeates every aspect of your marketing efforts and becomes integrated as a marketing priority.
  • Understanding cultural and market nuances to ensure your marketing and communications authentically represent diverse communities, fostering genuine connections and trust with your audience. 
  • Ways to develop an overarching strategy and framework that encourages DEI in front of and behind the camera, ensuring it is embedded within planning and execution.
  • Utilising your data to identify gaps, track progress, measure impact, and continuously improve your DEI initiatives within marketing campaigns. 
  • Assembling and nurturing diverse and inclusive teams to empower yourself with diversity of thought and identify new, previously hidden, markets and opportunities 


Hannah Mirza

Founder & CEO
Responsible Marketing Agency

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Networking Lunch

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Workshop C: Responsible AI: Ethical Frameworks for AI in Marketing Amidst Evolving Challenges and Regulations

As generative AI transforms marketing capabilities, it also raises critical ethical, legal, and societal concerns. Powerful synthesising abilities open risks around harmful bias, plagiarism, copyright infringement and misinformation. Marketers must proactively develop responsible AI strategies in line with their brand values and ethos.

  • Ensuring diversity & inclusion within your marketing teams, and AI models to identify and mitigate harmful AI bias and increase representation
  • Explore strategies to maintain transparency in AI-driven marketing efforts, ensuring consumers are aware of AI usage and its impact.
  • Building a central Responsible AI committee, aligned with your core brand values, to embed ethics across AI development and deployment
  • Building transparency and public trust in AI systems, and monitoring for harmful uses like phishing and discrimination
  • • Monitoring legal and regulatory developments around AI copyright