Interview: Edo Kuipers, We4Ce, on the latest developments in XXL Rotor Blades

Interview: Edo Kuipers, We4Ce, on the latest developments in XXL Rotor Blades

Longevity, cost-efficiency, operational concerns and future technological advancements: buzz words that come up a lot in regards to XXL rotor blade development. Edo Kuipers, Co-Owner and Engineering Manager at We4Ce, will tackle this topic at this year´s Advances in Rotor Blades for Wind Turbines 2024 conference and will talk about the challenges the XXL Rotor Blades industry is facing.

In his interview, he gave us first insights into cutting-edge design techniques, key challenges associated with installation and transportation of XXL rotor blades and what conference attendees should be prepared for. Read the interview for free below:

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