Registration and Welcome Coffee
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• Ambitious offshore wind targets in European North and Baltic Sea
• Germany’s preinvestigated and non-preinvestigated sites and their auction regimes
• Net Zero Industry Act: qualitative vs. quantitative criteria
Sudden withdrawals and project cancellations create uncertainties in the offshore
wind market. Capacities range from shortage to overcapacities.
• How to secure the supply chain?
• How are developers looking on their wind farm portfolio?
• Impacts on project development and FID
• Do suppliers become more or less innovative to secure their market share? What
should engineers be focusing on?
Share your experiences concerning foundations or OSS, comment, ask and debate with our expert speakers and your peers within the audience.
• Decentralised production and main impact on foundation / OSS platform design
• Costs and risks for centralized offshore production
• Resulting infrastructural needs
• Turbine manufacturer’s view and potential impact on powertrain
• Recent Changes in Geotechnical Design Methodology
• Overview of the latest advancements and updates in geotechnical design practices
and methodologies.
• Newly Identified Risks in Design and Construction
• Identification and analysis of emerging risks that affect the design and construction
phases of geotechnical projects.
• Requirements for Data Collection in Geotechnical Design
• Discussion on the necessary data acquisition processes, including soil sampling,
laboratory tests, and in-situ testing methods, and how they are integrated into
contemporary design methodologies.
• Costs of Advanced Geotechnical Methods and Parameters
• Evaluation of the costs associated with implementing advanced geotechnical techniques
and parameters, including a comparison of their financial impact and potential savings.
• Impact of Key Data on Project Cost and Risk
• Examination of how critical data points can influence the overall cost and risk profile of
geotechnical projects, including potential economic implications.
• Update on IEC 61400-6 AMD1 and Ed. 2
• New design methodology included in IEC 61400-6 AMD1 for L- and T-Flanges
• Consequences demonstrated on practical examples
• Developments of the 2GW design.
• Global production rollout
• Innovations for the next generation beyond 2032
• Under which conditions could the omission of stationary diesel generator(s)
be a feasible option within the planning of an offshore wind park?
• In which cases they can be still required?
• Legal requirements (UK, Germany)
• Technical and organisational aspects
• Experience from previous projects
• Different types and sizes of substations
• Substation as a standard product or individual component
• Tasks of future offshore substations
• Life time extension by manual and automated HFMI
• Applicability of automated HFMI application
• HFMI design and application guidelines
• Considerations for the design-phase – why do they all look different….-> requirements from WTG OEM vs Employer vs HSE vs O&M
• Design for fabrication – constraints/possibilities/challenges
• Design for offshore installation – installation methods & tools
• Design for in-place use – design requirements vs real usage / and O&M considerations
• Design for removal/decommissioning
• Decarbonization from steel supplier’s view
• Dimensions and time lines
• Converting old monopiles into green steel plates
• Repurposing of steel from decommissioned wind farms
• Economical impact and seabed protection
• LTE, Upscaling or New Building - What are the operators planning?
• Orphan wind turbines
• Asset Management- same as O&G or different?
• Why should Pile Tip Buckling be an issue?
• Verification: What and How?
• Challenges
Share your experiences, ideas, questions and thoughts with your peers. What have we
learned regarding OSS development?
• Weight optimization ideas
• Certification
• Harmonization/ standardization vs. tailor-made designs: Design philosphies and
impacts on operational costs
• Development Quality Improvement: processes and structures bottlenecks
• Project Designers handling: interfaces between Contractors
Choose one of the following topics:
Table A - 2GW HVDC
Table B - Subsea Substations
Table C - Harmonization/ standardization vs. tailor-made designs: Design philosphies and
impacts on operational costs
After a thirty-minute discussion within the groups, the main topics will be briefly summarized by the moderator in the plenary session for everyone else and opened up for discussion again.
• Case Studies from French Offshore Wind projects
• Innovations in Offshore Wind Sustainability
• Firetest for Export cable for HVDC Converter
• A0 Pipe Penetration solution for Gas Insulated Busbars / Aluminum Pipes
• Fire penetration Documentation on HVDC Converter
• Method for screening for critical pile driving position
• Benchmark and comparison of WEAP vs. 3D FE impact driving assessment
• Foundation design implications for using increasingly larger hammers for pile driving
• Drivability
• Dependency between frequency and vibratory driving induced fatigue
• Effect of noise reduction units in hydraulic hammers on drivability and fatigue
• Influence of vibratory driving on geotechnical design
Join us for an informal evening get together at Emma am See where some refreshing drinks and a nice barbecue buffet will be waiting for you!
You are not only visiting an architecturally award-winning monument, but meeting your peers in a relaxed atmosphere, exchanging business cards and reviewing the first conference day.