We offer 6 different event formats

perfect for building your network, developing expertise & Enhancing your career

We want to bring the learning, the experience and the people to you whether you prefer to stay in the office or come to an event. We provide you with the most convenient way to gain access to thought leaders who can help you solve today's challenges.

Start your journey by selecting your event format here:

Virtual EVENTS

IQPC's online events consist of webinars which provide you with a convenient learning environment from the comfort of your office, home or hotel room. You are able to benefit from the knowledge and experiences of our expert thought leaders without having to think about travel or re-arranging your diary. They can be accessed at any time and revisit whenever required, making them the ideal way to learn for busy executives and remote workers.



IQPC's conferences put you in the same room as global experts, providing you with the latest information and best practice in your field. Our conferences are designed to be interactive so that you can probe, question and discuss solutions through case studies, round table discussions, panel debates and workshops. We also build in multiple opportunities for networking with your peers and industry experts, a key part of getting the most of the live experience so, remember to bring plenty of business cards.



IQPC's exhibitions attract industry professionals from every part of the value chain looking to meet, network and do business. We bring buyers and sellers together under one roof to showcase the latest innovations and facilitate feedback direct from the market. Our exhibitions provide an ideal platform for two way face-to-face communications with your target group to enable you to build long lasting profitable business relationships.



Exclusive access to an IQPC Exchange opens the door to an exhilarating mix of global business leaders, thought-provoking presentations, strategic one-on-one business meetings and innovative networking. Add the opportunity to set your own itinerary at some of the business world's most prestigious and privileged corporate events and it makes the exchange one of our most productive and rewarding formats.