Re-Thinking Clinical Trials in Oncology
 Assessing the landscape of novel trial design for cancer therapies to improve data collection, enhance patient access, and drive clinical outcomes for breakthrough therapies

October 28, 2020 | Live Virtual Forum (EST)

Melissa Gonzales

Inclusion Principal, External Partnering Genentech

Melissa received her PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Arizona. In 2006, she joined Genentech. During her 13 years with Genentech, Melissa has held a wide variety of positions including; Medical Science Liaison, Medical Science Director on HER2 Medical Teams, a Managed Care Liaison Field Manager, and most recently Inclusion Principal in the Chief Diversity Office. Melissa is focused on developing external partnering strategies to address health equity issues and ensure patients of color have access to clinical trials and quality care by Advancing Inclusive Research.


12:30 PM Improving Diversity, Inclusion & Health Equity in Cancer Clinical Trials

Disparate rates of enrollment of racial and ethnic minorities and medically underserved populations in cancer clinical trials is well documented. Understand how this factor not only impacts the validity of trial results and increases health disparities for under-served communities and patients. Explore how trials might engage novel strategies to diversify their studies and also the wider social and economic factors affecting health equity that need to be addressed to truly overcome barriers for cancer patients from underrepresented populations.