23 - 24 October, 2018 | Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, Melbourne, VIC
Daniel Lee Smith, Change Lead at Energy Australia

Daniel Lee Smith

Change Lead
Energy Australia

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Daniel.

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Conference Day One: Tuesday, 23rd October 2018

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

11:30 AM From Vision to Reality: The Three Must-Haves of Executing Change

Organisational Change Management is already seen as an essential element of transitioning an organsiation to new ways of working. Change capability is at the core of any change initiative (whether it is long term strategic change, or a short term tactical shift) and building change capability requires structure and intent. In this session, Daniel will take you on his journey on how he has witnessed the execution of OCM and the attempts by organisation have to increase their change capability.

The discusssion will then centre around three "must-haves" for any organsation looking to introduce change.

  1. Leadership: Own, sponsor advocate, enact, drive, being the change (not just creating the vision).
  2. Performance measurement: Aligning KPIs and role mandates to drive desired behaviours and outcome
  3. Designing for the future: The importance of designing for the long term to attract and retain talent.