23 - 24 October, 2018 | Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, Melbourne, VIC

Renata Sguario
Head of Sales and Operations Shared Services
Latitude Financial Services
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Renata.
Download The Latest AgendaConference Day One: Tuesday, 23rd October 2018
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018
3:40 PM Debate:
There is an overall statement with 2 debaters whereby each debater will prepare a 10 minute argument- one for the affirmative and one for the negative. At the end of the session, the audience will have a chance to ask questions and ‘vote’ for the winner.
Middle management is often viewed as a hindrance to operational performance and its removal is vital for a successful change management.
Conference Day Two: Wednesday, 24th October 2018
Wednesday, October 24th, 2018
3:50 PM Embedding a Change Communication Plan to Support Your Strategic Priorities and Digital Workplace
There are concerns as to whether change management will slow things down, and hinder the speed and innovation derived from Agile. In this session, Renata will provide you with insights, experiences and expertise on the culture and ability required to adapt to change quickly and efficiently using the right change communication tools.
- Learnt Lesson: Senior leader engagement and consistent communication are key contributors for the successful integration of agile and change management
- Case Studies demonstrating the effective change communication channels that support change initiatives
- Assessing the iterative nature of the agile approach and how it impacts change management
- Key elements of an implementation plan