Over the
last decade learning spaces have evolved from traditional lecture style
classrooms to technology-enabled environments that promote collaborative
But no
matter what stage you are at, designing and developing learning spaces is an
ever evolving journey – and one that never stops.
As new
technologies continue to emerge (think Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in
more recent times), the way that students learn and engage is going to continue
to change.
In order to
keep up, universities must constantly look for new and innovative ways of
teaching and focus on how to design environments that are flexible enough to
accommodate and create a dynamic, flexible, technology-rich and collaborative
style of learning.
To ensure students are engaged and to deliver the best
possible student experience, education providers need to embrace the importance
of innovative and immersive physical spaces that are designed to meet the needs
of modern learning and teaching.
Ahead of the New
Generation Learning Space Design Summit 2020 we take a look at the biggest
trends in learning space development and explore where the future is heading
for learning spaces in an era of technological advancements and modern pedagogies.
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