Exchange Day Two: Wednesday, 9 December 2020

7:30 am - 8:15 am Breakfast

8:15 am - 8:20 am Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

8:20 am - 8:50 am Improving Hospital Quality, Safety and Performance through Digitisation – Evidence and Exemplars from Metro North Hospital & Health Services

Magid Fahim - Chief Clinical Information Officer, Metro North Hospital & Health Service
Digital transformation is a necessity due to obvious pressures from changing population dynamics, consumer expectations and a growing healthcare workforce. As the largest hospital & health service in Australia, providing care for 25% of Queenslands population, this session will explore how Metro North Hospital & Health Service are tackling these challenges and rolling out a connected digital health agenda.

  • Rollout of a fully digital environment at Metro North Hospital & the lessons learnt  
  • Utilising data in health to improve care and integrating this data with devices to create a patient centered integrated health record 
  • Change management strategies to increase clinician buy in for digital health projects

Magid Fahim

Chief Clinical Information Officer
Metro North Hospital & Health Service

8:50 am - 9:20 am Turning the Tide at the Northern Beaches Hospital through People, Process & Technology

Patricia Liebke - Director Digital Health - Northern Beaches Hospital, Healthscope
As director of digital health, Patricia Liebke was brought in to integrate the clinical systems at Northern Beaches Hospital, with focus on EMR optimisation and the integration of people, process & technology to truly realise the value of their digital transformation project. This session will explore:

  • Improving clinician & patient experience at the Northern Beaches Hospital within a six month period through a people centred approach
  • Understanding the importance of clinician input when leading digital transformation projects in order to ensure success and identify areas for improvement
  • Managing expectations of clinicians, patients and executives when transitioning to a digital hospital ecosystem

Patricia Liebke

Director Digital Health - Northern Beaches Hospital

9:20 am - 10:20 am Brainweave: Leading Successful Digital Hospital Transformation

9:20 am - 10:20 am 1:1 Business Meetings

9:20 am - 10:20 am 1:1 Business Meetings

10:20 am - 10:50 am Morning Tea & Networking Break

10:50 am - 11:20 am Creating an End to End Digital Platform to Increase Patient Engagement at Western Health

Lily Liu - EMR Program Director, Western Health
Health informatics are the key to digital health. At Western Health, the EMR is just the start of their digital journey. This session addresses the next steps, building on this foundation and utilising patient data in more effective ways. 

  • Intoduction to the $1.5 billion Footscray hospital, and how lessons learnt from EMR implementation will be incorporated into this new build
  • Explore Western Health’s current digital roadmap and changes that have happened since the EMR implementation 
  • Utiliising health informatics to provide virtual care and patient portals 
  • Lessons learnt form international sites and how this can be applied to your own situation

Lily Liu

EMR Program Director
Western Health

11:20 am - 12:20 pm BrainWeave: Protecting Health Information and Patient Lives Through Security

11:20 am - 12:20 pm 1:1 Business Meetings

11:20 am - 12:20 pm 1:1 Business Meetings

12:20 pm - 1:20 pm Lunch & Networking Break

1:20 pm - 1:50 pm International Experience of EMR Based Population Health Implementations

Graeme Hart - Chief Medical Information Officer, Austin Health
Much is known regarding the clinical safety issues, preventable cost and inconvenience to patients and clinical staff that occur from discontinuous care and information exchange. Indeed this forms an important driver for the MyHR. International jurisdictions with varying governance, organisational, legal and financial models have adopted a range of approaches including that referred to as “Population Health” whereby Health information Exchanges gather and collate patient specific information that allows algorithmic allocation to disease based risk groups. This session will explore:

  • Benefits of population health - allowing patients in these risk groups to be managed pro-actively by all providers to ensure conformity to agreed minimum care standards
  • The fundamental requirements for implemention of population heath
  • International implementations examples
  • Patient focussed outcomes and implications for implementation in Australia

Graeme Hart

Chief Medical Information Officer
Austin Health

1:50 pm - 2:20 pm Building a Maternity Patient System to Inform, Educate and Engage

Marc Pelusi - Director Clinical Information Systems, Sydney Local Health District
Sydney Local Health District have just launched a maternity system that documents the inpatients pregnancy journey. They are currently looking to expand on this and provide pregnant women with a digital gateway to access service providers in the local area. This session will explore:

  • The use of digital tools to drive patient engagement: Deciding on intent, features and functionalities
  • Unlocking value of patient engagement and acquiring feedback to optimise user experience
  • Measuring success in patient engagement with corresponding benefits in terms of cost reduction and improved satisfaction

Marc Pelusi

Director Clinical Information Systems
Sydney Local Health District

2:20 pm - 2:50 pm Streamlining Access to Real-Time Clinical Information Enabling Clinical Care Across the Patient Interaction Continuum

John Papatheohari - Group Director - Information Technology and Digital Transformation, Cabrini Health
  • Creating a Digital Platform that provides real time access to data and insights, effecting integration of disparate systems
  • Facilitating improved clinical workflow within and across care teams, and seamlessly extending the organisation; from inpatient to continuing care and the community
  • Catering for the desired level of digital interaction the patient/customer wants to have
  • Managing health data and introducing real-time analytics across any sourced data element

John Papatheohari

Group Director - Information Technology and Digital Transformation
Cabrini Health

2:50 pm - 2:50 pm Chairperson’s Closing Remarks and End of Exchange