30 September 2018
Symphony Style Kuwait, Kuwait
Symphony Style Kuwait, Kuwait
Robert Davies
Head of Fire & Life Safety
WSP Middle East
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Robert.
Download The Latest AgendaForum Day: Sunday, 30 September 2018
Sunday, September 30th, 2018
9:00 AM Welcome address by the Chairman
11:05 AM LEADERS EXCHANGE: Safety and performance excellence: How to improve safety standards and enhance safety performance
- Improving technical quality and design to protect and minimise potential incidents
- Tackling the core challenges from lack of educated professionals to low quality products in the market
- Lessons learned from fire incidents in the past 10 years
1:50 PM PANEL DISCUSSION: Creating an efficient fire inspection, testing and maintenance programme
- Uncovering the challenges of inspection, testing and maintenance and recognising how this can affect fire risk
- Ensuring compliance with fire codes through efficient testing, inspection and maintenance methods
- Best practices and innovative technologies in testing, inspection and maintenance in order to improve the safety of the building