15 - 17 July, 2019 | Novotel Sydney on Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW
Craig Rodgers, Innovation Lead at Charter Hall

Craig Rodgers

Innovation Lead
Charter Hall

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Craig.

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Conference Day One: Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

11:30 AM Exploring Technologies that Drive Sustainability, Efficiency & Customer Experience in Existing Buildings

Charter Hall has been on a journey of development with its existing assets, incorporating and trialling new intelligent technologies with the aim of improving building performance and enhancing customer experience. This has been done through the introduction cloud-based tech and customer platforms across several of its buildings such as, the unique innovative COMFY system, customer experience APP Charli and the installation of personalised streaming music services to common areas for customers. To date, COMFY has yielded to date; 7% energy use reduction, 5000+ tenant-app interactions, 72% reduction in air-conditioning service calls & identified 30 analytic improvements to performance and comfort. This talk will look at the successes to date and how this can be translated across the portfolio:

  • Highlighting the significance of these results, and what they mean for our customers
  • Squeezing efficiency & performance from high-performing buildings using technology
  • Using these results to learn and transform our existing assets