21 - 22 October, 2019
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Nivine Issa
Head of Environment & Waste
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Nivine.
Download The Latest AgendaConference Day One: Monday, 21 October 2019
Monday, October 21st, 2019
3:10 PM INTERACTIVE PANEL DISCUSSION: Debating the environmental impact of land reclamation – is your island Eco friendly?
We often look to island development and costal projects as a way of making our cities more attractive to tourists and more economically successful – but at what cost?
This exclusive panel debate will discuss the impact of land reclamation on the environment and what key strategies we can put in place to avoid serious damage.
In this session, we will examine:
- Environmental impact assessment on land reclamation projects – the untold truth
- Best practices to monitor and assess land reclamation’s impacts on species, habitats and the marine ecosystems
- Hydrodynamic modelling techniques to ensure water quality and plume dispersion in land reclamation projects