Focus Day: MP-TP Connections, Monday 26 August 2024

9:30 am - 10:00 am Registration and Welcome Coffee

8:00 am - 9:00 am Who is Who

Have your photo with your business card pinned to our popular 'Who’s Who' wall and find out who is already onsite

10:00 am - 10:15 am Chairperson's opening remarks

Walid Al Otaibi - Director Offshore, JBO


Walid Al Otaibi

Director Offshore

10:15 am - 10:45 am How to make new connections and influence an industry

William Beckinsale - Lead Package Engineer, SSE
  • The challenge with large scale connections in offshore wind
  • The options available to the industry
  • Takeaways from the connections workshop
  • Examples of past industry wholesale concept changes
  • The possibility of a TP-less world
  • Visions for the future

William Beckinsale

Lead Package Engineer

10:45 am - 11:15 am Z flange - novel bolted flange foundation connection

Vaughan Pryce-Jenkins - Lead Engineer, Wood Thilsted Partners

  • Design philosophy (L flange limitations and design solutions)
  • Case study results
  • Key benefits (design, procurement, fabrication, installation)
  • Challenges

Vaughan Pryce-Jenkins

Lead Engineer
Wood Thilsted Partners

11:15 am - 11:45 am Ultrasonic (UT) Inspection of Bolted Connections in Operations

  • Introduction bolts pre-tension measurement via UT
  • UT measurement accuracy and tolerance criteria – what is acceptable?
  • Case study presentation from the RWE Offshore Operations Fleet

11:45 am - 12:15 pm Refreshment Break and Networking

Which connections are up to the challenge?

12:15 pm - 12:45 pm Grouted connections - Open Discussion

Are you rather pro or con grouted connections? Or can’t you decide at all? Where

do you see benefits or potential issues? What about the following topics and latest


• Cracking and fracture

• Grout slippage

• Conical grouted solutions

• Installation time and vessel requirements

• Increasing MP-TP bolt sizes

• Fabrication tolerance

• Increasing time and efforts for fabrication, installation and maintenance

• Supply chain issues and standards for new designs


Marc Seidel

Senior Key Expert - Support Structures for Offshore Wind Turbines
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy


William Beckinsale

Lead Package Engineer

1:15 pm - 2:45 pm Networking Lunch

• Level of technology readiness

• Commercial aspects


Sander Suur

Design Manager
Van Oord


Stefan Erents

Senior Project Manager

• Onshore and offshore testing results

• Installation time and design capacities


Jasper Winkes

Director C1 Connections
C1 Connections BV


Prof. Feargal Brennan

Director of the Offshore Engineering Institute
University of Strathclyde

3:45 pm - 3:50 pm Chairperson’s closing remarks

Walid Al Otaibi - Director Offshore, JBO

Walid Al Otaibi

Director Offshore

3:50 pm - 4:15 pm Refreshement & Networking

4:15 pm - 4:15 pm End of Focus Day

In this session different type of connections will be discussed. We will have a look on different design approaches and certification routes, technology readiness, aspects from installation and maintenance, including HSE aspects. Each connection type will be represented in two short presentations. One speaker will highlight the benefits of each solution whereas the second one will take over the role of the devils advocate to discuss questions and potential limitations. Each pro & con session will be followed by a Q&A session.

Interactive Workshops

Explore advanced design strategies to maximize the lifespan of offshore wind structures,

emphasizing sustainable practices, innovative solutions, and practical examples.

• Design Optimization: Maximizing lifespan for offshore foundations and substations

• Circular Economy: Sustainable design for offshore wind

• Repairability: Designing for easy maintenance

• Upgradability: Creating adaptable offshore structures

•Case studies and best practices


Prof. Feargal Brennan

Director of the Offshore Engineering Institute
University of Strathclyde


Ali Mehmanparast

Professor of Offshore Structural Integrity
University of Strathclyde


Dr Jessica Taylor

Senior Engineer

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm WORKSHOP B: Floating offshore wind foundations for turbines and substations alike

Dirk Pulles - Senior Offshore Wind Energy Consultant, Enersea BV

Examine various technologies and approaches within a floating wind farm, focusing on

synergies, distinct supply chains, and current challenges.

• Explore different technologies and approaches within a single floating wind farm.

• Are there mainly synergies or totally different supply chains and bottle necks?

• O&M strategies (in-situ or tow-to-port)


Dirk Pulles

Senior Offshore Wind Energy Consultant
Enersea BV