Ali Mehmanparast

Professor of Offshore Structural Integrity University of Strathclyde

Prof. Ali Mehmanparast (PhD, MBA, CEng, CMgr) is a Professor of Offshore Structural Integrity at University of Strathclyde and Manager of the Cranfield-Oxford-Strathclyde Universities Renewable Energy Marine Structures Centre for Doctoral Training (REMS CDT). Ali sits on the Engineering Integrity Society (EIS) Durability and Fatigue committee, the UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity (FESI Council) and is a member of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). He is a Chartered Engineer of IMechE, fellow of The Higher Education Academy and fellow of the Chartered Management Institute. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers in the field of engineering structural integrity, and has organised and chaired technical sessions at international conferences. Ali was a member of the technical delivery team for the Structural Lifecycle Industry Collaboration (SLIC) Joint Industry Project, the PI of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory funded project on welding residual stress effects on fatigue life assessment of monopiles, the academic lead of the Carbon Trust funded project on offshore wind turbine flange bolted connections and the PI of research projects funded by the Supergen Wind Hub and Supergen ORE Hub on floating and fixed-bottom offshore wind turbine foundations.

Focus Day: MP-TP Connections, Monday 26 August 2024

4:15 PM WORKSHOP A: Designing for Longevity: Life Extension in Offshore Wind Foundations and Substations

Explore advanced design strategies to maximize the lifespan of offshore wind structures,

emphasizing sustainable practices, innovative solutions, and practical examples.

• Design Optimization: Maximizing lifespan for offshore foundations and substations

• Circular Economy: Sustainable design for offshore wind

• Repairability: Designing for easy maintenance

• Upgradability: Creating adaptable offshore structures

•Case studies and best practices

2nd Conference Day, Wednesday, 28 August 2024

2:30 PM Re-evaluation of fatigue design curves for offshore wind monopile foundations using thick as-welded test specimens

• Classification of relevant fatigue design curves for offshore wind foundation application

• Review of the historical data and assumptions for generation of the existing design curves

• Analysis of the large-thickness fatigue test data

• The effect of S-N curve slope change on design and life assessment of foundations

• Other considerations for future research and innovation

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Ali.

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