The Open Banking regime is well underway for financial institutions, driving improved collaboration between financial services providers, opportunities for innovation and a greater offering of customer centric products.
In 2020, the Big 4 banks in Australia met the first stage of compliance under the CDR and Open Banking regulations. How has this disrupted the finance industry and has this opened the market to new entrants? Banks in Australia know that to compete, they must develop their customer offerings as well as their own digital capabilities to maintain customer loyalty.
The 2021 Open Banking LIVE Virtual Summit will bring leaders together to discuss the current state of the Open Banking journey for institutions like yours in Australia since last year’s regulatory developments. Our 2021 Open Banking LIVE Summit will talk to key points around customer trust, current state of the banking integration, digital identity, and consumer data rights. This is LIVE so bring your questions.
Key Event Takeaways Include:
- Coping with legislative uncertainty and immaturity around Open Banking
- Lessons Learned in Achieving Compliance from the perspective of a Big 4 Bank.
- How can digital identity solve uncertainty amongst open banking skeptics?
- How does strengthened trust with the consumer, open up opportunity for more product and service offerings?