20 - 22 May, 2019
Hotel Palace Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Hotel Palace Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Jørgen Skaarup
Support and Integration Officer, Former VP, supply chain and production
Tulip Food Company
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Jørgen.
Download The Latest AgendaMain Conference Day Two
Tuesday, May 21st, 2019
1:30 PM Case study: Strike a critical balance in cost, compliance and service
This case study outlines key steps the Tulip Food Company has taken to meet the rising customer requirements and competition, including:
•How to structure your supply chain to ensure fast response to increasing customer demands
•Be aware of what your competitors are doing
•A different philosophy on cost per serve: a la Ryanair
•Technology investment: Measuring how they are performing
Post-Conference Workshops
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019
9:00 AM Workshop C: What gets measured gets done: measuring performance (on the board level) through your supply chain
Jørgen has dedicated 40 years of his career in developing best in class supply chains that make real business impact on the board level. He will share his key insights in this workshop:
•How to measure your performance towards your customers and link it all the way back to key parts of your supply chain
•Implementing KPIs that are linked to customer satisfaction and delivery
•Implementing SCOR model on planning forecasting
•The pyramid model of KPI development
•What are the other relevant measurement levers through the supplier chain on the operational level, tactical and the board of directors level