Temperature ControlLED  Logistics & Security Select
Meeting The Needs of a Post-Covid landscape in Temperature Controlled Logistics & Security

September 13 - 14, 2021 | Virtual Exchange
Event takes place in Eastern Time Zone

What is a Virtual Exchange?

A Virtual Exchange is where we bring you the personalized experiences of our in-person exchange events straight to you, wherever you are! Benchmarking sessions, 1:1 business meetings, roundtable discussions and networking opportunities are all translated into a virtual environment where you can take full advantage of the event’s offerings. And the best part is, all of it happens at the comfort of your own workspace!


The virtual exchange is an invite-only, exclusive gathering for key decision makers with active projects requiring solutions. Attendees are carefully vetted to provide a strategic benchmarking environment to keep conversations meaningful and focused. In order to make our attendee’s experience as seamless as possible, we are utilizing a single platform, zoom throughout the event.
While zoom provides the option to create an account, it is not necessary and you can take advantage of all the features by simply having the desktop app which can be downloaded here. Attendees receive a personalized virtual exchange itinerary via email and a calendar invite which will detail the session information and 1:1 meetings. Links will also be included which will take you straight to the meeting rooms to make it easy for you to follow the schedule.


  • Benchmark and source solutions from the comfort of your own workspace
  • No time away from the office or from home
  • Create follow up opportunities straight away to continue the conversation
  • Save on travel and accommodation budgets
  • Share takeaways and action points with your team real time